View Full Version : Rescue story of 7 foot gopher snake

12-05-03, 11:31 PM
From my last trip to arizona me and my father had been out lookin for snakes(had a lisence). We hadnt found one for a few hours. so we had decided to go on some non active roads were some snkes might be taking up heat from the hot pavement. so we went down a busy road looking for small roads and as sone as we knew it a hudge glowing stick was in the middle of the road but it was more than just a big stick it was a snake. my father and me pulled over quik and only had a few seconds to determine what it was and to our luck it was a gopher snake. A 7 foot long gopher snake. the snake didnt like it when we disturbed it judging from the striking at us, but i think if it knew what was coming tward it, it would have thanked us, so what was coming was a 65 or 70 mile an hour car! so we only had a matter of second to save it. fortunattly we did and have been taking care of it ever since. we plan to let it go back into the wild the next time we go to arizona. i hope we have another adventure like this again.:)

12-05-03, 11:56 PM
Thats all well and good, but why didn't you just take it off the road and set it free? Why did you take it home?

12-05-03, 11:58 PM
i smell BS why would you take something into captivity to say your gonna release it later
that to me sounds like certain death

12-06-03, 12:55 AM
I agree, why didn't you just go off into the woods or something and let it go?

12-06-03, 01:08 AM
Yes, i have to agree with that, even in arizona it would remember its hybernaculum(hybernation hole, den). You should not realease it now as it will be unfair to the animal and all its instincs it need to survive will be erased.

12-06-03, 01:21 AM
Honestly bro, bad idea to let a captive snake loose in the wild, even if it was wild at one time. Releasing possible pathogens into a wild stock of animals would not be a good thing....plus, it is illegal in AZ as well.