View Full Version : sexing

12-05-03, 11:25 PM
Hey, i have a quick question..when i got my little guy he was about 4 weeks old...i know thats to young but they had about 30 of these guys in a pet store and i had to get one anyways...i asked they guy for a male...he goes in and about 2 mins later says he got me a male. I was just thinking about how likely that is to figure out when there that young. Mabey it is and i'm not thinking straight but thats my question to you guys....is it possible to tell at that young of an age?..thanks :)

12-05-03, 11:28 PM
male veileds have a "spur" on their back feet and females do not. This is easily identifiable as soon as they pop out of the egg.

12-05-03, 11:29 PM
Veiled right?

You can sex them from birth by the presence of the tarsal spur on the back feet. The boys have it, the girls don't.

Check this link for clarification: http://www.adcham.com/html/husbandry/glossary/tarsalspur.html

What do you have? A boy or a girl?


12-05-03, 11:30 PM
here is a question - how do you sex a panther?

12-05-03, 11:34 PM
OK thanks...You learn something new everyday :)..Its a little boy

12-05-03, 11:46 PM
here is a question - how do you sex a panther?

Oh I suck at that when they are little! You may get lucky and get a male that starts to develope their colours at the 3 month stage but it's usually at about 6 months that I'm able to tell.

You could be patient and watch them poop, the males usually "expose" themselves when they do. :o Mind you, that's a lot of tedious hours spent in front of a cage of babies waiting for everyone to go potty.

I've also read that the interstitial skin on their dewlaps is red in the females and white for the males, but I'm not sure how true this is. It does work for the group of Panthers that I have currently. Anyone else experience this?



12-06-03, 11:25 AM
Ok well Lucy has all the characteristics of a male(White stripe down body and mouth, bulge in the base of the tail) but she has very orange feet and throat. Like no green it just turns to a beautiful solid orange. And she has red spots and very distinctive banding of dark and light green. When she's basking her head loses all green and it's orange with red spots. But the rest of her is a bright green. I'll have to get some pics. I can't figure it out.

12-06-03, 11:36 AM
lol dam wanted to answer those questions, beat me here:p The ones that connie sells, how does she tell, is it cause of there colour???


12-06-03, 11:39 AM
o sorry for got to add, or im guessing that watchs them poo?:p


12-06-03, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by meow_mix450
The ones that connie sells, how does she tell, is it cause of there colour???

I'm not sure how she does it. Connie certainly produces numerous Panther Chameleons over the course of a year so by doing so, one will be able to sex them much easier just through that experience. The animals that she brings to shows generally are juvies and I'm able to visually sex them there because of their colours.



12-06-03, 12:45 PM
ooo i c thaanks
