View Full Version : Can you say powerfed... Disgusting

08-19-02, 05:08 PM
Today at my local pet store they had a 4 year old red albino cornsnake it was very beutiful except for the fact it looked extremly powerfeed it was about 6-7inches thick and 5 and a half feet long this dosn't sound write for a corn i know there have been some cases of big ones but this guy seemed powerfeed what do you guys think?

08-19-02, 07:04 PM
I gotta see this, can you get a pic? Is this diameter or across?

08-19-02, 07:41 PM
it's width it's an all glass aquirium and i don't have a digi cam i think someone gave it to them who wouldn't care for it anyway they've got it on a proper diet my post was just trying to tell people not to over do it. you know.

08-19-02, 07:44 PM
You sure its a corn? Could it possibly be a hybrid? Maybe a Pine snake cross or something? I would like to see a picture of that guy!

08-19-02, 07:54 PM
My bicep is 4 1/2 inches across and 15 inch diameter, I could not imagine a corn that is larger around than my arm. I'd buy it just for the freak factor. I have been accused of powerfeeding but I never shorten length between feedings (7 days) only increase prey size, and I thought I had good growth with a yearling at 130 grams. If you got the size right that snake must weigh over 5 lbs

08-20-02, 09:40 AM
hey i'm just telling you guys what i saw k maybe it was a hybrid cuz that was one huge cornsnake

08-20-02, 09:51 AM
I don't think so. Dude, even Anacondas are a stretch to get that big!! Are you sure you know what a corn snake looks like?

08-22-02, 04:27 PM
um today when i went to the pet store i asked the people how thick the snake was and i said was the corn powerfeed they took it out and evn measured it and it was olny 3 and half inches. but it looked to big for a cornsnake and i got confused between cm and inches lol so it's really olny 3 and ahalf but it still looks to big for corn is thatpowerfeed or just big

sry about the confusion

08-22-02, 06:58 PM
That is still huge!!! And that's diameter and not circumference? Even I would say that's overfed!!

08-23-02, 01:38 PM
i knew it theres no way a corn should be that big i'm going to ask them what they feed the poor thing

08-23-02, 02:31 PM
please do