View Full Version : diy: indoor turtle pond (3 big pics)

12-05-03, 11:45 AM
here are some pics of the turtle pond made in my parent's living room

overall shot:

left pool:

right pool:

the pools are not linked together by water, the turtles simply crawl out of them by little slate ramps and go between the two of them, they also like to bask on the "deck" here is a picture of my turtles kicking it out of the water
the large one is a male I've had for over eleven years, the smaller ones are females that are recently acquired

since the pics, I have since added a basking light and sandbox for the turtles

feel free to ask questions and give feedback, be it positive or negative, I can handle it

12-05-03, 12:03 PM
I don't keep turtles, but I gotta say that is a really cool idea, and looks awesome. I would love to have something like that in my house!


12-05-03, 12:43 PM
I concur. I've been thinking about branching into turtle world myself, and seeing setups like this just makes me want to go gung ho with it.

12-05-03, 12:52 PM
That looks great! I hope to have an outdoor turtle pond one day.

12-05-03, 01:01 PM
WOW I love it. I would love to have somethig like that some day when the kids and i get out of and apt...
How hard is it to maintain the pond? what is involved in the up keep of such a large indoor pond ?

12-05-03, 01:03 PM
How do you ensure the turtles get adequate UVB exposure in that setup? Outside the sun is strong enough that UV can penetrate several feet into water, but it's pretty tough to do that indoors.

12-05-03, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by eyespy
How do you ensure the turtles get adequate UVB exposure in that setup? Outside the sun is strong enough that UV can penetrate several feet into water, but it's pretty tough to do that indoors.

I can not. This is something I have recently learned and must accomodate for them.

the maintenance is not much, just changing water and rinsing filters, etc and cleaning the tubs, really not much

the set up is very very inexpensive to make, probably like 150-200 bucks total and manual labor

12-05-03, 01:31 PM
great job...but can they not get out...my red ear is 11" and ge can climb any way...given enough time and failed attempt..a wall that is up to about 8" tall.....he's a real pain in the @($ ...
by the way I've had him for 16 years...anyone know how long hill live...he gets the best care in the world and I got him when he was a new born...I want to find out what the record is too if anyone knows...(yes i know i'm not anywhere near it)

12-05-03, 01:56 PM
I knew someone would ask about the escape question

the only place they can get out is right in between the tubs there, where that ugly *** plant is, the plant is the only thing between them and freedom and the bigger two can't get past it, but the small female does every now and then

and I read somewhere that you can expect 15-25 years out of your RES, not sure how accurate it is or where I read it though

12-05-03, 02:12 PM
They can live to be up to 40 years old, but most don't since they are tough to keep healthy. Most get too much protein and not enough UV and die young from liver and kidney disease or shell rot.

12-05-03, 03:25 PM
You could always go out and buy yourself either two 48 inch UV tubes or one of the new Mecury bulbs and suspend it over that basking area from the ceiling. If you purchase the right canopy/light hood it will still look very nice, and provide UV to the turtles.

I try and offer Mikey (14 year old R.E.S. rescue) UV from actual outdoor sunlight 3-4 months of the year if the weather permits, and inside he has a UV tube of course.


12-05-03, 03:53 PM
what amount of UV wattage is needed here?

they have no direct sunlight

12-05-03, 03:59 PM
Honestly, as much as you can provide. Normally people keep the turtles with 1 or 2 UV tubes. Obviously direct sunlight is best, but many people don't have acess to this for their turtles and the UV bulbs have seem to done fine for them. They come in a variety of wattages I think so you'd want the highest one.


12-05-03, 11:07 PM
That is a REALLY nice set up! Are the turtles yours or your parents?

12-06-03, 03:33 AM
the male is mine, the females are theirs

12-06-03, 12:25 PM
That is awsome! Looks like a totally great setup and very diverse area for them to live, two ponds and a basking spot. Nice

05-26-04, 12:24 PM
yes, I should mention that a UV bulb as well as a heat lamp have been added and the turtles use them frequently

05-30-04, 08:03 PM
I was readin that full grown oscars can make a good mate as long as the tank is big enough and that there is enough food provided

06-03-04, 02:21 PM
wow! thats so cool looking!

06-11-04, 01:59 PM
thats pretty cool man.

Tom P
06-17-04, 02:51 PM
I love the idea of doing that indoors. Does it smell up the house at all?

I had turtles once before (when I was younger) and the smell was bad sometimes.

Tom P

06-18-04, 11:20 AM
nope, it doesn't make it smell any more than an aquarium does

its' quite nice to have, give the room a cabin-ish feel

07-02-04, 05:45 PM
If you keep the water for your turtles clean, it shouldn't be an issue at all...

I had a RES once upon a time. But I was an ignorant little boy and should have never had him. He passed a few summers ago. Had him for about 12 years I guess.

07-02-04, 05:52 PM
mettle, I too had mine in very harsh conditions for many years not knowing it

it happens a lot, but 12 years ago there weren't message boards to get husbandry advice...we did the best we could

07-04-04, 01:26 AM
So true. If I only knew then what I know now.

I would love to have an indoor pond some day with some RES. Maybe once I settle down and stop traveling.

07-04-04, 02:09 AM
Very Cool! good job congrats!


07-04-04, 02:19 AM

you are my turtle-pro from now on, if you got time email me or pm me some plans so i can copy that,(if you don't mind that ;) ) what kind of filter do you have on there? how long did it take to make? how did you set up your basking area? and the sand box? (can you post a pic of it?) im in the market for some aquatics so any help woud be apprieciated, as i will be a first time turtle mommy!

turtle! turtle!


07-04-04, 10:32 AM
Really nice showpiece!!

07-04-04, 12:21 PM

I don't have any plans really, as the design is built around the tubs

basically what we're dealing with are two stock tubs bought at a farm supply store...they are sitting on cinderblocks and plywood

we got a sheet of oak plywood and made the cabinet and then topped it off with those deck boards

the brick stuff is just plywood that looks like brick...we had that little nook in our basement and we built it to fit that

I think a single tub corner unit would be great if you had room to use up a whole corner in your spot