View Full Version : what to get?

12-05-03, 03:08 AM
I'm new to snakes and don't know what kind to get. Want something thats under 150.00, nice temperment, 5-7 feet, easy, and I'd like it to eat frozen. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.

12-05-03, 03:32 AM
Hmmm... tough call. A few questions for you....

Do you like boids (pythons and boas) or colubrids (Kingsnakes/milksnakes, corns and etc)?

Do you have any experience keeping snakes?

Do you want something that will be "tame"?

Any particular type that you like so far?

Really tough to say what you "should" get. There are tons of awesome snakes that meet all of your criteria. :)

12-05-03, 07:43 AM
you also need to consider funds, some snakes have high requirements, and cost more to keep than a lower requirement snake.

i would say any king, or corn is good. boids i would stick to balls for now. any one alse who can help?

12-05-03, 08:31 AM
I've heard good things about Rosy Boa's as a first good snake.

12-06-03, 12:37 AM
Rosys are something I've considered but want something bigger I think. I've seen many milks and kings I like, Pueblan milk, albino neilsonii, blair's phase greybanded king, etc. I do definately want a tame snake. I'm just exploring options right now, although I definately don not want a ball python, everyone has those, I'd like something somewhat unique. Thanks again.

12-07-03, 09:27 PM
what about a hognose, they get up to three feet, and almost NO ONE has one. including me, BUUT im workin on that

12-07-03, 09:33 PM
andean milks, black king

12-07-03, 11:18 PM
what about black phase potosi king snakes? Can you get me some information on them? Good or bad idea?

12-08-03, 11:35 AM
Could also get a Mexican Black Kingsnake...they're gorgeous


Tom Cat
12-10-03, 01:08 AM
I agree with the previous writer...when it comes to overall handling and outright beauty, one of the best choices for a first timer is the Mexican Black King.

The benefits of this choice are:
1) they're typically very calm
2) they're excellent eaters (rats are no prob)
3) they are the perfect size (females get longer/bulkier)
4) they are from dry climates, which is good for the newcomer as they seem to be able to withstand the forgetfulness of a new owner with regard to the water dish.
5) When I heard the monicker " poor mans Indigo" I had to have one .... 4.5 feet later, no regrets. It's the only snake I owne that I can say for sure will never be sold.

Anyway, good luck my on your decision my friend... but whatever you agree on, dont forget to have the heat pad ready and lots of rodents in waiting.

OWN: 0.1 Mex. Black King, 1.2 50/50 Cal king, 1.1. CBI, 0.1 JCP, 1.1 Borneo Bloods, 1.5 Leos, 1.0 Golden Retriever, 1.0 Tom Cat

12-10-03, 01:31 PM
What about a rat snake? Those are cool and they are pretty tame, even WC. Also, they can get pretty big...

12-15-03, 04:23 PM
I started with a bp. No doubt I love her but if I had it to do again, I wouldn't go with a bp. I'm getting a pair of corn snakes saturday and in february I should have my hognose. The hognose are very entertaining snakes. The flatten their neck into a semi-hood like a cobra but are very reluctant to bite. Let us know what you decide! :)

12-16-03, 03:44 AM
Ok, after some looking and research I'm leaning toward a pueblan milk, brb, potosi king, or rosy boa. Man, this is tough!! Thanks for your help everyone. Now I only wish I didn't still live with my parents, then I could get one of each of them! :-)

12-16-03, 08:44 AM
a ball python like everyone else said is a good starter, but be wary that they often stop feeding

12-16-03, 04:50 PM
i agree

12-16-03, 07:59 PM
I had a bad run in with a ball python at work <shudders>, I try to avoid them now :p . Anyway, the more I look at it the more I am leaning toward a BRB. I am about 90 percent sure thats what I want, now I just need to save up for a few months...

01-09-04, 03:50 PM
try a big kingsnake or a small carpet python

01-09-04, 04:08 PM
What about an everglades ratsnake? They get a little bigger than a corn and are very nice looking snakes in my opinion. I like the quote Tool is awesome.

01-09-04, 04:24 PM
You cant go wrong with a corn snake. It might not reach 5' long though. As far as unique gues, everyone has a corn snake, but there's so many morphs out there, I'm sure you could find something you like.
