View Full Version : Up To Par, Specific, Care Sheets?

12-03-03, 06:29 PM
I already know the care and maintenance of my two snakes, Spotted Python and Mexican Black Kingsnake...but, I wanted to put some very well written and very specific advanced caresheets in my favourites, for reference purposes. So I did some searches on the net and found SQUAT. It took me like five different search engines to simply find a Spotted Python care sheet with the Humidity needs.

Has anyone ever had this problem? Or does anyone know a place with REALLY good and specific care sheets? By which I mean those care sheets with a little extra in it, or even with notes on personal use, etc.


12-03-03, 06:39 PM
maybe because spotted pythons aren't really common. search spotted python info..then switch info with care sheet, then caresheet try different things

12-03-03, 06:43 PM
Yeah that's what I did :) And again, it took me five different search engines lol

Maybe the best way to do it is make my OWN personal webpage and combine caresheets with my personal experience! lol


12-03-03, 07:11 PM
I had the same problem finding care sheets for spotted pythons. I was thinking about adding one to my collection, but I couldn't get any good info on them. Someone needs to write a care sheet and maybe put it in the ssnakess.com care sheet section!

12-03-03, 08:12 PM
We have a care sheet section? lol

12-03-03, 08:18 PM
I only use google and have never had much problem tracking caresheets down

12-03-03, 08:28 PM
Jenn, I agree....even the common species, finding caresheets is a hard chore.....

maybe some of our "experts" would be willing to make up some?

12-03-03, 08:31 PM
I'm definately making up one for a Spotted, I know enough about them, and it's not that you can't find the info, it's that you cant find it all in ONE area. Like finding the housing and temps is easy. But then you have to go to a different area of the net to find humidity. A different area to find a GOOD breeding source, etc.


12-04-03, 06:13 AM
oh Jenn, I would love to see your caresheet if you write one up... I had to try and find as much as I could on spotteds, mostly it said care is the same or similar to the childrens python or vise versa :P

12-04-03, 09:59 AM
You know the best thing I like to refer too when Im having troble of finding specifics on an animal is to refer to its natural livings. That is what I did with King Cobras. There's not to much help on the net with them but once I got to studing the natural livings, piece of cake. Thought this may help. Xain

12-04-03, 10:30 AM
if the spotted python is the same as over hear in australia, then u would be talking bout the antaresia maculosis.
if u look in an australian search engine u will get heaps of care sheets.