View Full Version : Lots of Crested Photos
12-02-03, 07:52 PM
Here's a stubtail juvie curled up in a piece of egg crate...thought it was a cute pic.
Breeder male - Pastel Orange Tiger
Here's a nice Dalmatian female going into shed...looks like a jogging suit.
Same girl after she shed.
Same girl laying eggs.
Here's a neat little female. She was a paranoid, bitey little brat as a juvie, hence the stubtail.
Same as above, when she escaped for three days and got busted hanging out in my fake palm tree. lol
Here's a horse of a female. She weighs about 40 grams and she's only about 9-10 months old.
Reddish female.
Here's a juvie something...I don't know what I'd call this one. It's got all kinds of different traits mixed in.
Same as above, only darkened up a little...this was taken in the hotel room when I was in Philly for the show a few weekends ago.
This is a juvie harlequin. This pic reminds me of a lion stalking its prey...only smaller and not so hairy. :D
Same one above with its clutchmate...frick and frack. They just look like they're up to no good. :p :p
A dark harlequin juvie.
Light colored harlequin juvie. This one's sides almost look like a slate grey color at times.
12-02-03, 07:56 PM
very nice
I love that pic of that dalmation shedding
12-02-03, 07:59 PM
very nice pics!
12-02-03, 08:36 PM
wow, those are very nice geckos, great pictures too! I LOVE your red female!! That female that has some of every trait, she's very, very unique looking, especially in the picture taken in the hotel room. I'm sure your geckos have/will make some nice looking babies!
12-02-03, 08:54 PM
Awesome cresties!!! How many do you have?
12-02-03, 08:57 PM
One more thing, what do you house your cresties in? Can you post some pics?
sweeet. those are some nice pics! how'd u get your geckos to get so fat? the 6th one from the end's got an enormous tail
12-03-03, 01:10 AM
Thank you, everyone.
I've got a little over a dozen right now...just 1.4 adults, though. I just got into them around the beginning of the year. I'd like to eventually get to where I've got around a dozen or more producing females, but who knows...that might be more than I really want to deal with
Here's a picture of an adult enclosure.
Basically, I give them a nest box and a bunch of egg crates to crawl on. It's a lot easier to keep things clean when you can throw everything away when you clean the cages.
There's even more photos on my site, if anyone's interested.
12-03-03, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by Neo
sweeet. those are some nice pics! how'd u get your geckos to get so fat? the 6th one from the end's got an enormous tail
LMAO. I've had several people ask why its tail is so fat since I got him/her. That one also has a big head.
I don't think that it has anything to do with nutrition. It could, but I really think it's just how some are built. There is a lot of variation in the body structure of Crested Geckos. I've seen some with such strong crests, that they almost look hairy.
12-03-03, 02:04 AM
Thats a great website you have, I think that im going to have to do that egg crate thing when my collection grows larger. Where did you get them from and how much do they cost?
12-03-03, 02:19 AM
you can get egg cartons at grocery stores, petshops, lots of places for free. ask a petshop, usually when you buy crickets they might put one in the bag, so ask for some extra
12-03-03, 08:28 AM
very nice
12-03-03, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by CDN-Cresties
Thats a great website you have, I think that im going to have to do that egg crate thing when my collection grows larger. Where did you get them from and how much do they cost?
You might be able to get them at the grocery store if you know someone (I don't know why they would have empty egg crates, though). I have heard of people asking for them at McDonalds, etc., though.
Don't get them at the pet store. They're going to be covered in cricket feces, which defeats the purpose of trying to keep the cage clean...obviously not healthy.
I actually get my egg crates from They're $19.00 (US) for 140 of them. .
12-03-03, 01:07 PM
SWEET, thanks so much for that link!!!
D Healey
12-03-03, 01:31 PM
I dont know if your interested but i would be interested in purchasing that red girl you have or the one you took a picture of in the hotel room or even possibly the one under it or all of them you let me know and i will get back to you a.s.a.p i also have a number of crested you may be interested in trading for. Thanks my name is doug 10.15.25 cresteds.
Nice batch of cresties you have! Good luck with all of them.
I wish I had that many.
12-03-03, 01:58 PM
D. Healey, lets see some pics of your cresties. Thats a mighty collection you got there, hopefuly ill be around that in a year or so.
12-03-03, 03:53 PM
Sorry Doug, but they're not for sale. Besides, I'm in the US, and not set up to ship to Canada.
They're not cheap, but you can get reds from Dragon's Den and you can get some nicely patterned ones from Sandfire Dragon Ranch or Phillipe DeVosjoli. I'm sure all those guys can ship to Canada.
12-03-03, 06:12 PM
Does Phillipe Devosjoli have a website??? I would love to see some of the cresties that he has produced.
12-03-03, 06:34 PM's
He doesn't have a ton of good ciliatus pictures, but he's got a few decent babies listed for sale.
12-04-03, 09:02 PM
i love the colors on the reddish crestie. almost makes me wish i hadnt gotten my tokay an instead got one onf them lol. but i love my tokay and i think i got the perfect gecko for my tastes.
D Healey
12-12-03, 08:59 PM
Hi this is doug again i just wanted to say i get geckos from the states all the time i just have them sent to washington and i go across the line and pick them up so if you ever want to part with the one you have taken a picture of in the hotel let me know as i also have alot of screemer cresteds for trade as well. P.S. is he a male?
12-15-03, 03:50 AM
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the different designer lines, but the animal you're talking about is an unsexed juvenile from Sandfire's pinstripe line. It's actually one of the higher end specimens I own...and definitely not for sale. Thanks, though. :)
I'm hoping it is a male, though. I'd like to be able to breed it to several different females I have.
D Healey
12-15-03, 01:37 PM
I am aware it has partial pinstriping and that is why i was asking if it was for sale i have several almost full pinstriped crested and wanted diffrent blood to try to prove out the trait thanks Doug.
12-15-03, 01:49 PM
That's great. It sounds like you have a nice group. You should definitely post some pictures. Allen Repashy (sandfire) usually has plenty of partial pinstripes available at shows. Just give him a call and see what he has.
12-15-03, 03:56 PM
Wow! Awesome crestie collection! I really want to get some of those, how's the general temperment on cresties?
12-15-03, 04:02 PM
Amazing, a bit jumpy when you first hold them but they calm down. Its rare that they bite, and if they do it feels like a pinch. They a great pet for anyone.
12-15-03, 07:50 PM
Cresteds are really great as pets. Very docile as adults, but even as babies, it's not like they're super flighty or anything.
The feisty ones are the most fun because they'll bite and "bark" at you, but those are few and far between, and unfortunately, they always end up taming down. lol
12-15-03, 07:59 PM
I think these pictures have finally convinced me to get a crested gecko. That picture of the one curled up in the egg carton is perfect. I love it. :D
12-17-03, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by ohh_kristina
I think these pictures have finally convinced me to get a crested gecko. That picture of the one curled up in the egg carton is perfect. I love it. :D
I guarantee you you'll be hooked.
I've kept other geckos, iguanas, chameleons and things like that in the past, but I was a hard core snakes only guy until I got my first two Cresteds. They rock. :cool:
12-19-03, 04:29 PM
very cool pics.!
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