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12-02-03, 10:34 AM
Hey, which gecko do you think is hardier? Crested or Leos? Any elaboration on WHY either one is hardier is also helpful... thanks!


Wuntu Menny
12-02-03, 10:02 PM
Tough Q, hardier is sort of ambiguous. Leos tolerate a wider range in temps, their tails regen and don't drop as easy. They don't require high humidity or elaborate arboreal setups. Both sp will put up with H. sapien interaction equally well. I'm not sure, but I tend to think leopards win.


12-03-03, 12:31 AM
Thanks for the reply... I was kind of thinking the same thing. I thought cresteds could tolerate a wider range of temps, though?

What I mean is how often they get sick and that sort of thing... I don't mind the work of setting up the enclosure and stuff like that.

Thanks again.


Wuntu Menny
12-03-03, 05:45 PM
No way, J. The deserts that leos originate from have much wider temp swings from day to night. 100+F during the day and near freezing at night. Try cranking up your crested to 90F and see how long he lasts. I still think that cresties are more fun though.


12-03-03, 08:08 PM
Yeah that's true about the deserts. I guess what I was thinking of is that ideal temps for leos are higher than ideal temps for cresteds. But nvm, you're right once I think about it.

12-03-03, 09:49 PM
yep cresteds go from 70-80. 83 at tops. and they can jump. its cute. i dunno what hardier means though.. heh.. and havent experienced sickness yet so cant say nething on that one. if i had to guess cresteds would be more attacked by bacteria and stuff in the rainforest so they might have higher immune systems to adapt

12-04-03, 01:09 AM
a hardy herp is one that can take a lot of crap. know what I mean? like chameleons are typically NOT hardy hehe. They're little diva herps.

Basically what I'm trying to find out is which species will better handle me screwing up now and then? Or even me NOT screwing up. Which one am I gonna have more problems with? Because right now, all I want is reliability. Maybe later on down the road, when I'm more experienced, I'll get a more fragile animal like a cham. But not right now.

12-13-03, 12:32 PM
Get a leo. You will be happy.:D

12-13-03, 12:36 PM
I like leo's better..they dont jump around causs they cant :) And there funner to play with. I havnt owned cresties but have held them many times before. Your choice but id go with the leopard any day

12-13-03, 12:52 PM
i think i just read somewhere that cresteds are the hardiest geckos u can get.

as for jumping. i dont mind it at all. if the crested does jump away from u it wont really run away unless it's really scared. and their little hop is cute.