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12-02-03, 12:55 AM
do eggs need oxygen? I built my incubator (first time breeding project now I need to know weather to build wholes or not. I didnt think I did but I want to make sure

12-02-03, 12:58 AM
when I incubate my eggs, I put holes in the plastic case that has the eggs in.

12-02-03, 01:04 AM
yea they will prob mold if there is absolutly no air flow.

12-02-03, 01:12 AM

12-02-03, 07:52 AM
You may also want to consider a small hole or two in the incubator itself. Different temperatures in side the incubator and inside the room can create an in creased air pressure inside your incubator causing eggs to burst and/or die. A couple holes will help equalize the pressure so its not to extreme when you open your incubator.

This mostly pertains to eggs of more sensitive species, but it's also not a bad habit to excersize even with "durable" eggs.

Best wishes,

Wuntu Menny
12-03-03, 11:26 PM
Say wha? Sorry, I've never heard of that one. I'm guessing this incubator isn't built as tight as a drum, so there shouldn't be any need for pressure equalization. Punching holes in it will certainly result in loss of humidity and you don't want that.

Yes, eggs need oxygen. Without it the embryos will die. There is more than enough contained in the incubator to satisfy their requirements. I've incubated 50 eggs in a 10 gal incubator for 8 months and only opened it a handful of times in that period.

Circulation of outside air will INCREASE the chance of mold spores germinating in your incubation medium. The spores are everywhere, they just need to land in the right conditions to thrive. Thoroughly sterilize the inside of your incubator as well as all materials going into it. This will eliminate the majority of risk. Open it as infrequently as possible during incubation, and don't leave it open for any length of time when you are inspecting your hopefuls.

Good Luck!


12-04-03, 03:07 AM
Say wha? Sorry, I've never heard of that one. I'm guessing this incubator isn't built as tight as a drum, so there shouldn't be any need for pressure equalization.

Let me guess, you've never incubated a monitor egg have you?

12-04-03, 04:27 PM
Jeff, I haven't incubated Monitor eggs either & don't really have a clue what you are refering too, so enlighten us on to what you are talking about if ya would please. Share your knowledge, not just the sarcasm LOL I for one am interested to learn about eggs that require "special incubation" as I haven't really heard of species requiring this before in reguards to the pressure problems? Please elaborate THX Mark I.

12-04-03, 05:30 PM
hovabator....look it up on the web..they are availble through most store speacilizing in rept. but feed stores have the best prices

12-05-03, 02:35 AM
Share your knowledge, not just the sarcasm LOL I for one am interested to learn about eggs that require "special incubation"

I hatched over a 100 python eggs this year (and equally the last 4 years) and I can open the incubator, play with the eggs, roll them on the floor, draw on them, juggle etc etc etc and I still get 100% hatch rate.

2003 was my first year with monitors and I got over 100 eggs in 7 months from 2.6 animals. I hatched exactly 18 baby monitors. Yeah, that's not sarcasm, that's fact. Some eggs are delicate. Its not even that they are delicate (because they aren't), its more like they don't like sharp changes (AKA OPENING AN INCUBATOR IN A COOL ROOM CAUSING THE DIFFERENT PRESSURES TO MAKE THE EGG IMPLODE).

I've seen it. I've done it. With precisely 82 eggs in the last 7 months. Kendrick is light years ahead of most people in the country with regards to hatching Odatria eggs and is in contact with some the LEADERS of the industry concerning monitor breeding. If he says that differences in pressure can kill a monitor egg, just believe him. Its soooo much easier that way. LOL! In wasn't chastizing for not hatching a monitor egg. I was just observing that if you had the chance to try incubating some, you would realize that Jon K. was right on the money. NO biggie, and no harm implied. :D

12-05-03, 02:47 AM
Cool THX Jeff. I didn't realize that the cooler room air would do that to them. Most of my experience is with Colubrid eggs & like you say them & the Boid eggs are very forgiving. So they will actually implode, I wouldn't think that there would be that much pressure difference, learn something new every day LOL. I do like your sarcasm but deliver the rest of the goods ; ) Mark

12-05-03, 03:37 AM
. Most of my experience is with Colubrid eggs & like you say them & the Boid eggs are very forgiving.

Mee three bro! And that is why these dang monitor eggs reduced me to tears for nearly HALF A YEAR!! LOL!! Frustrating is the understatement of the year, know what I mean???

Hey, let's hope Woma eggs are easier to hatch, wink wink.

;) :p

12-05-03, 03:29 PM
Only time will tell eh! M.I.

Wuntu Menny
12-13-03, 11:26 AM
I've incubated plenty of sensitive eggs, but I've never worked with varanids or ever heard of pressure changes resulting in implosion/explosion of eggs. My incubators have enough small gaps around the various lids and caps that pressure is always equal to the environment. I've often posed the Q to breeders wondering if simulation of home range pressure/altitude would increase hatch rates and viabilty of embryos.

The day I have to resort to a hyperbaric chamber to hatch eggs is an good indicator that I've gone a wee bit over the edge. Someone please wrap me in a towel and pop me in the freezer!


12-18-03, 04:34 AM
I just got a funny mental picture of myself opening my incubator and seeing my eggs start exploding. Lol, that would suck.

12-18-03, 01:55 PM
Hmmm I think a window or video camera for the incubater would be good.