View Full Version : Caging a Boa.

12-02-03, 12:29 AM
Hey, just wonderin'... What would you house a Boa Constrictor in?

12-02-03, 01:15 AM
A cage.

12-02-03, 01:27 AM
Oh Invictus your level of knowledge is outstanding! lol
Yes he's right, a cage that looks like this,
Or this,

12-02-03, 01:30 AM
Well, he asked a straightforward question. I gave him a straightforward answer. :D

12-02-03, 12:35 PM
We need to know what size of boa you have to give you a nice short answer but here is the longer version.

I keep small boas in small plastic tubs heated with flexwatt and increase the tub size as they grow. I burn holes in the tubs wit a sottering iron but a drill or dremel also works nicely. My tubs slide into racks that secure the lids down. Another method of securing the lid would be putting S hooks through holes in the lid and tub. When they outgrow extra large tubs I move them to 4 ft by 2ft melamine cages. Plastic cages fom Neodeshea, Boaphile, Barrs, Animal Plastics, and Precision are also very nice. If you have an very large BCI or a BCC you will need an even bigger cage.
I would avoid using aquariums becuase they allow heat and humidity to escape and boas feel less secure. My boas don't use the hiders in their tubs but I gaurantee if you put them in an aquarium they would rarely leave their hide spot. This makes the boas choose between the hide spot and proper temps and thermoregulation. A tub slid into a solid rack is basically a very large hide spot.
For substrate I use paper towels in small tubs and newspaper in larger tubs and cages. I also use water bowls large enough for the boa to soak in and position it so my humidity is where I would like it to be (Putting it closer to the heat increases cage humidity).
Hiders can be made out of about anything like cardboard boxes, bark, plastic bowls, clay pots, etc.
The last and most important thing you need is a good digital thermometer. I prefer the ones that have both in and out temps and a humidity gauge so you can monitor the hot and cool side and humidity.
Good luck

12-03-03, 11:52 PM
Adults get custom wooden caging, and younger snakes go in rubbermaids... either 3x2 underbed units or 11.3 gal sweaterboxe sizes. Here are some of my custom cages...

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/504/22cages-finished.jpg">