View Full Version : *groan*

12-01-03, 06:29 PM
well i was handling my crestie and i decided to let it loose on my bed. so i was watching it move about then it just stopped.. i put my hand in front of it to see if it'd get back on my hand.. then i saw a urate coming out. *brain: "nooooooooooo"* yeep, it decided to poop.. and better yet once it thought it was finished it jumped onto my hand but the poop was still attatched to its rear end by some gooey thing so it ran the poop all on my hand

good news: the fecal looked nice and healthy.. the urate could've been a little bigger but oh well. so far i've been pooped on by 4 geckos..

lesson learned: if u wanna go home quickly poop on your owner.

oh and update: eats baby food from my finger well. ate 1 mealie in 2 days (small mealies are still pretty big for her.. dont wanna order flies) and ate a leg less pin head. handles well, starting to jump a lot more and w/ a greater distance each time but stops dead in its tracks after a jump. winter time temps dont bring temps above 76 at ne time. i spray whenever i go in room which is often. i think it shed. i'm seeing more black dalmation spots.

oh and i'm having worries bout its feet. it seems to be losing grip now. i never see it on the side of the tank nemore and when i handle it slips even on my hand maybe cause i washed my hand but still my hand cant be that smooth. thx for listenin

12-01-03, 07:01 PM
I wouldnt worry, your crestie sounds like he is going into shed. It happened to me when i first got my cresties, i got so worried but it will go away in a few days.
