View Full Version : need help,

11-30-03, 05:55 AM

gina, my female bp has gotten out of her enclosure last night..
I found her back easily but....
she is sooooo cold.. she just wont warm up..

you see we have a house thats aprox. 350 years old.. and our hallways ( where I found her ) arent heated.. and well its freezing outside so it was also freezin inside..

I staid up all night with her.. but she is still very very cold...

anyone got an idea on how 2 warm her up ?
the heat pads and lamps dont seem to work..:(

11-30-03, 06:55 AM
this theard should help

think that will work if not its listed under need your help again

11-30-03, 02:04 PM
Slowly is the key.

11-30-03, 08:12 PM
when my bp got really cold like that (not even flickering his tounge) I put him in luke warm water (about the same heat as you would put a baby in) and put his entire body in it except for his head and kind of massaged his muscles....after he got more active (about 30min-1hour later) I put him in directly on his heat pad and he was fine the next day.

12-01-03, 06:41 AM
well just 2 let you all know, she is alright now..

I used the luke warm bath and after that I put her into her enclosure...

so thx anyway..