View Full Version : Rescue Baby Painted pic

11-30-03, 12:28 AM
This little fella was brought into where I used to work because the people thought they were going to get hit by a car, tried to keep him and he was really bad before I volunteered to take him home. He has a bit of a warped shell but other than that he is a tough I named him "Trucker".

11-30-03, 12:48 AM
Nice work man. Good to see people helping homeless turtles. I know I'm not the only one now. Keep us up to date on his progress. And be sure to get lots of UVB on him. He has probably never had it.

Cheers mate,

Skink Keeper
11-30-03, 01:32 AM
He looks nice, it's good to see people rescueing animals. good luck with him.

11-30-03, 06:17 PM
Looks like a cute little Midland... the shell doesn't look too bad.


12-16-03, 08:36 PM
I rescued a baby painted turtle and a baby red eared slider yesterday. The red ear is fine but the painted turtles shell is pelling and soft looking. Its not soft to the touch its just dosent look right. He came from a 2 gallon tank that had no light at all with lots of algae complety covering the sides and no real dry spot. Im sure the water qualty wasnt that good. So i was wondering if the shell peeling was caused by wrong houseing or a vitamin definece. There both in quarintine before they go in with the other turtles. what do u guys thank is the problem?

Thanks alot

12-16-03, 10:43 PM
He looks like a real cutie, good luck with him. :)

12-17-03, 05:46 PM
ohioherp, get the turtle to a vet right away, those are horrible conditions for them to of lived in and it sounds like it need medical attention asap.

Good luck!

12-17-03, 10:23 PM
yea i got him a vet appoiment for friday. thanks
ill let u know how it goes.
ohio herper

01-19-04, 02:20 AM
sorry it took so long to apply
my computer been shut down
anyway the vet said to set him up in a clean tank and to use reptile lights and that turtle shells sometimes peel off as they grow and to make sure i use a liquid vitamin drops in the water
so hopefuly that will be all it takes his shell dosnet seem soft since i started this