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View Full Version : fire belly toads?

11-29-03, 11:04 PM
I am interested in getting a type of amphibian, and was wondering if anyone knows of a good fire belly toad care sheet or website?
I had newts once when I was younger and enjoyed them...

11-29-03, 11:14 PM
here's a good site http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/mypets/firebellies.html
and this forum isn't too bad (it's a KING snake one so you know what to do)

Double J
12-05-03, 06:19 PM
I can't say that I like the first link in the above post.... there were a few things that I disagree with.....
1) They have the frogs housed with firebelly newts..... this will result in disaster at some point in time...someone will end up missing a foot. Check caudata.org...they have some great testimonials on why these species should not be mixed.
2) The crickets should not all be dumped in to the tank at once. They should be housed in a seperate container, and only a few crickets should be given at each feeding. Here are some porb;lems with dumping all the crickets at once...
a) lose nutritional value due to a lack of food if hey are not eaten initially
b) lose the calcium supplement as they will clean it off of themselves
c) it is likely some will drown
d) the crickets are likely to nibble on the frogs while they sleep, which can cause infection
Otherwise...the link is satisfactory.... though I think Marc Staniszewski's site is a better source of info
Good luck