View Full Version : ever eaten snake?

11-29-03, 10:35 PM
has anyone ever eaten snake. i only know one person who has drinkin taht viper alcoho. anyone else actually eat it?

11-29-03, 10:51 PM
Ugh, I'd rather eat human -- not that I'd actually, but snakes are nearer and dearer to my heart, know what I mean? I couldn't even consider it!

11-29-03, 11:08 PM
Rattlesnake aint to bad. A while back, a friends mom chopped the head of a rattler, so we felt it should not be wasted. Taste like chicken, but only cuz it was cooked in a croc pot with one.......

11-29-03, 11:41 PM
I have eaten rattle snake before...not bad eatin'.

11-29-03, 11:45 PM
i've never tried it but i've seen some on tv. it looks pretty good, actually. i'd probably try it if i had the chance.


11-29-03, 11:46 PM
Not me

11-29-03, 11:52 PM
you guys relize that rattle snake is all wild food. and they empty entire den sites to get these rattle snakes which does effect the population of rattle snakes in the area. rattle snake is a bad food, unless you find one road kill or some ignorant person chops its head off.

Solid Snake
11-30-03, 12:07 AM
gees a buncha beasts in here... should go to china, they eat anything!

11-30-03, 12:09 AM
Ate rattlesnake in Mexico once....it was already cooked and you know the "try this" trip..didn;t know until after that it was snake ..liked it though... like chiken sort of....wouldn't want to upset the local culture..it really was one of their food staples...very poor people .....

11-30-03, 12:14 AM
yea in mexico they eat iguanas too. pretty cool. never tried it though

11-30-03, 12:22 AM
gees a buncha beasts in here... should go to china, they eat anything!
Well that isn't very nice. In Canada, we eat cows, sheep (lambs, too), chickens, pigs, that have been raised in deplorable conditions then killed, cleaned, cut up, packeged and placed in your grocery store for you to buy. It isn't like that everywhere, so it's pretty easy to call other cultures "beasts" when you're sitting in your comfy chair in your nice place. And just so you're aware, they don't even everything in China. They eat much of what is edible, and what's wrong with that? What makes someone a BEAST if they eat a snake but not a beast if they eat a cow?
Unless you want to labelled a racist hypocrit for criticising another country and the people with an open mind in this country, you may want to revise that statement.

11-30-03, 12:36 AM
Zoe, i dont think he meant any harm with his comment, nor tried to start a fight.... why is it going that far??

11-30-03, 12:41 AM
Perhaps I took it the wrong way, but I don't like seeing members of other cultures being called beasts or stereotyped because they are different, nor do I like being called one because I open to the cultures of others and not being a hypocrit by being willing to eat one animal, but not another, because I am partial to the latter.

11-30-03, 12:46 AM
ZOE~~I think you need to vent

Solid Snake
11-30-03, 01:39 AM
whoa hooo... people go all out from a joke... im not racist, i happen to be asian and they all eat anything, really its true... I didnt say it was bad to eat meat... I just find it funny how its a Reptile Site and people are talking about eating reptiles...

and btw im a veggiterian(sp?) So yes, u are all beasts :P

11-30-03, 02:13 PM
Jordan, hop on off of that soapbox. I've eaten snake before and thought is was quite good.

11-30-03, 02:20 PM
I don't think I'd ever eat snake or any reptile for that matter. As it is, I'm heavily contemplating vegetarianism, simply because lately I have trouble eating meat. I just have a problem with the way the meat is slaughtered and such. Like chickens.

I do like meat, but I hate what the animal has to go through for us to enjoy a meal.


11-30-03, 02:23 PM
I never have but I would try it if I had the opportunity
Is it red or white meat?

11-30-03, 02:23 PM
I agree with Zoe, Solid Snake could have posted something better.


11-30-03, 02:23 PM

11-30-03, 02:24 PM
i think anyway

11-30-03, 03:22 PM
don't think I could eat snake...but I have never had the opportunity either. My dad keeps joking about roasting my brb and it pisses me off every time...grrrrr

11-30-03, 03:30 PM
I had a bottle of rattlesnake brand beer (no rattlesnakes were involved in the process of brewing, bottling or drinking).

I don't think i could eat a snake... iguana maybe, but not snake.

11-30-03, 03:41 PM
I have ate both and it is a nice white meet..."when in Rome"....anyways, lighten up people no offence was meant to anyone I am sure, you would be amazed what people eat and how they eat it ...it makes the world interesting.

reptile boi
11-30-03, 03:47 PM
id rather eat a fried tarantula or scorpion then a snake!

11-30-03, 04:12 PM
I have had crocodile in Kenya.... it was nile croc ..that was farmed .... it was actually quite good ..I was surprised ... I recomend it to anyone ..however I would not eat croc meat in canada ...who knows where it came from

11-30-03, 04:22 PM
I never ate snake meat but I ate snappingturtle when I was a kid. I remember eaing alot of it so I either really liked it or was very hungry lol

11-30-03, 05:47 PM
When I first moved to Florida I tried gator and rattlesnake that my neighbor had made. I enjoyed but have never eaten it again.

Scotty Allen
11-30-03, 06:28 PM
Yes, numerous species. Have I or would I ever kill a snake for the sole purpose of eating it? No. Would I even consider trying the canned rattlesnake that is produced from the infamous "rattlesnake roundups" in the US? Not on your life. Maybe one day snake will be farmed for the leather and meat industry like alligators, crocodiles, ostrich, etc. etc. but I don't see this happening with snakes, just too expensive to feed long enough to grow to marketable size.

11-30-03, 06:33 PM
I don't know about that, Scotty. My ex-husband grew up on a dairy farm and their cattle would each eat about $80 worth of food a week. That was prior to 1979 when he moved away and went to college. The costs must have skyrocketed since then.

That's way more expensive than feeding snakes. ;)

11-30-03, 06:33 PM
my mom ate squid... they wrap the meat up in the suction cups... nasty crap.

11-30-03, 06:43 PM
Anyone who says "I don't eat meat because if bugs me they kill animals" is fooling themselves. Unless you are a true true veggie eater your entire diet probably has animal products in it. Even the "glaze" most bakeries/grocery stores use to prevetn breads/muffins from sticking to the pan is made from animal products. You would have to change your *entire* life to be truely "helping animals" or else you are just kidding yourself.

And yes, I would eat snake if it was offered to me.

jason h
11-30-03, 06:44 PM
i dont know scotty burms grow pretty quick and could probably feed quite a few ppl,.......bleq!!

11-30-03, 06:48 PM
ate it, eaten tarantrs and maggots as well, ok but nothing special. Figure we breed enough food animals and have been thinking the vegatarian route might be best as well

11-30-03, 06:52 PM
I am a vegan. I TRY to exclude animal products from my life, but of course, it's not completely possible. I just do it as much as I can.

11-30-03, 07:06 PM
yea and mice are a bad thing on farms in general. farming snakes woudl be good to keep teh mice out of the grain and cattle feed.

11-30-03, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by marisa
You would have to change your *entire* life to be truely "helping animals" or else you are just kidding yourself.

And even still, the land used to farm all those products claims more lives yet. There really isn't any way to maintain ones life while avoiding taking the lives of others on this planet. To live you have to take life... it is virtually impossible for anyone to avoid that.

11-30-03, 07:10 PM
i thought vegan was tottaly no cheese or anything. so if u eat that can u still be a vegan? humans are meant to eat meat. unless u are a culture who has evolved eating little meat such as asian cultures. in general phycologists think people use vegetrianism as a masakistic action. most become weak and pail sick. its not that i have anything against vegetarians at all. im sure if u grew up hunting for food and where actually a part of gatherign food u would. jsut the way they kill animals now adays really sucks

11-30-03, 07:13 PM
When I was living in Taipei, Taiwan, there is an infamous place called, "Snake Alley," although it has tamed the past few decades, but they still put on shows for the tourists. Hold you breath now, if you are queezy... they tie the snake up by neck and cut it open from the vent while it is still alive. Take out the heart and show it to all the tourists how long it continues to beat for (5 minutes or so). They mix some snake blood with some liquor and then make some soup with the meat. Apparently, the blood is good for you. All of this was about $10-15 Canadian. Quite a horror for this herp enthusiast. They also chopped up softshelled turtles alive as well.

I passed on them all.


11-30-03, 07:15 PM
yea i seen a show on that. they usually give teh heart to a king or somthing aphordisiac properties. and there is this guy who is savign rare turtles from asain markets. really awful.

11-30-03, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Linds
There really isn't any way to maintain ones life while avoiding taking the lives of others on this planet. To live you have to take life... it is virtually impossible for anyone to avoid that.

I agree with this. I wouldn't keep snakes if I didn't think this was true. For things to live, other things have to die. The reason I am vegan is because I don't believe in causing unneeded suffering (bad treatment with farming..they are not all like this of course, but a lot of them are), and for health reasons. I don't see killing and eating a cow as bad. People need to eat. I do, however, see cramping 600 cows in a small amount of acres, fattening them up unnaturally, and then slaughterning them inhumanely as unneeded suffering, and it shouldn't happen. I see being vegan/vegetarian as taking a stand against inhumanity. It's a small part to play in the world, and it really doesn't make a difference because not enough people are veg, but it makes me feel like I've done something good. I am also vegan because it makes my body feel excellent. When your body tells you that something is right, you go with it..so I have.

Sorry for the babble.

11-30-03, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by chamitch
i thought vegan was tottaly no cheese or anything. so if u eat that can u still be a vegan? humans are meant to eat meat. unless u are a culture who has evolved eating little meat such as asian cultures. in general phycologists think people use vegetrianism as a masakistic action. most become weak and pail sick. its not that i have anything against vegetarians at all. im sure if u grew up hunting for food and where actually a part of gatherign food u would. jsut the way they kill animals now adays really sucks
Vegans don't use animal products.
And This is not true. The vegans that become pale and sick become that way because they are not eating healthy. Just omitting dairy and meat from your diet doesn't mean that you're healthy. You have to do a lot of research and get a nutrition plan. I've been vegan for a little over two years now, and my body has never felt better. I am not too thin or too big, my skin is clear, and everything works right. I am very healthy, because I'm doing it right. There are a lot of meat eaters that are very unhealthy, too, you know.

11-30-03, 07:22 PM
forsure. there are meat eaters that are unhealthy. its all about balance. somwhere in the middle lies the truth. glad u feel good. i just read that in a book. my auntie used to work in a health food store and she was a veg. and she had to stop because she seen what years of beign a vegetarian can do if your body isnt made for it. and all those people did knwo diets and everthing she said she coudl tell because of what they bought and things they told her.


12-01-03, 05:01 PM
The only herp I ate was alligator, that was actually really good. I wouldn't mind trying Rattle Snake meat. I believing in trying almost anything once. :)

I USED to be a vegetarian, and I found that I was craving meat all too much no matter how much iron and protein I pumped into my body. Let's face it, humans are designed to be omnivorous.

12-01-03, 05:03 PM
i have a simple rule...eat nothing that eats meat....

12-01-03, 05:03 PM
mmm im hungry. aligator leftover sandwich.

12-01-03, 05:04 PM
well pigs and cattle (used too), both eat meat and chicken too. u just dont think about. it.

12-01-03, 07:38 PM
i've eaten alligator. it's really tasty. i've been to a few restaurants in Arizona that served snake. i never braved it.

12-02-03, 09:46 AM
Haven't eaten snake never would eat a snake, I don't see how someone who owns snakes or just likes catching snakes could ever eat one. Almost like having a pet dog then eating dog for dinner. I'm a vegitarian and was a vegan for a while and eating this way I find to be quite healthy, I'm an elite runner and could have been one of the fastest runners on Ontario last year had I not hurt my leg, so not eating me does not affect you physically.

12-02-03, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by TheRedDragon
I USED to be a vegetarian, and I found that I was craving meat all too much no matter how much iron and protein I pumped into my body. Let's face it, humans are designed to be omnivorous.

I'll double that statement.

I was born and raised in Brazil, i've tried alligator meat, frog meat and cat meat, the only part of the gator that they actually cook is the tail believe it or not. It's all white meat, i wouldn't go as far as to say it "tasted like chicken" but more like fish, very tender. Quite delicious actually. Cat meat just tastes like sh*t....lol!

I haven't tried snake but if the opportunity was given, i would go for it.

I don't know about you guys but i really enjoy meat and i'll be eating it to the end of my days.

12-05-03, 01:33 AM
Back home in asia my grandaunt used to own a chicken farm and she would get Retics coming at night to "steal" chickens often...i remember taking part in skinning one and having fried retic that day...it was pretty good considering that it was still moving when my grandma served it up..:). other snakes that i have eaten include some weird ball like organ of the cobra fresh out of it...and a little bit of the blood...We used to have asian water monitors as well...we'd cook curry with those...and sometimes our malay neighbours would offer us if they got one...
Sounds cruel i know...but that was a long time ago and when we were living "in the outback".
of course i wouldn't go eat it on a normal basis...but have i eaten it...yeah...:).

12-05-03, 02:28 AM
I too had snakes.
Not too bad. They're actually quite good. Drank blood and also this 'ball' thing (I think that it's the liver or something). It's said to cure asthma. Also snakes are eaten in Asia for warmth. Usually when its winter time, tons of snakes are killed for snake soup. I've eaten, fried, soup, skin (kinda raw...) and cooked. My friends and family always asks me what kind of snake it is just by looking at the skin...and I tell you...most of them are either Taiwan beauties or Blue beauties...since they are larger...

Talking about gross...there is this guy in Hong Kong that does 'shows' in killing the snake. He actually grabs the snake by the head and then bites of the snake's head...as an attraction..I went up to him and told him all the bateria and all that and asked him to stop doing that 'attraction thing' or I'll be going to the SPCA to sue him. Don't know if my threat worked or not...but soon he was gone...and I haven't heard of him anymore.....

12-05-03, 02:31 AM
that was teh heart. u drank. im keen on other cultural things. and it is supposed to give u stregth and a cure all type thing as well as a aphrodisiac. (snake oil salesman coem to mind?)

and viper ligour is suposed to pack quite teh punch as well.

12-05-03, 02:37 AM
Meat owns. :D

12-05-03, 02:57 AM
I'll stick to beef and pork.

12-05-03, 04:59 AM

12-05-03, 11:58 AM
Cure Asthma?? Wow...maybe thats why my grandma made me eat it!! i used to have asthma when i was so much so that i get breathless quite often...i never knew why it went away when i got older...maybe its cos my grandma made me eat that "thing"..hahahaha...thats great!!
As for snake blood...i know back long ago...my grandma was telling me of her dad smoking opium in opium houses...during that time..they had rattan beds for people to lay on...and these bed often had cobras or other snakies under them...according to my grandma...her dad would usually press the head of the snake against the floor and then bite off a section of the tail...and suck it dry like a straw!! Weird guy if you ask me...hahahahaha...
And as far as taiwan and blue beauties go...well....dont know if you can do much to the sellers...i mean theres tonnes of cultural beliefs behind snake cures in asia especially...and selling them is probably legal for medicinal value... They're relativley cheap too compared to the pet trade here....heh...but maybe they were bred just for this purpose.....to be eaten...just like we (the common people) breed cows and chicken.
Aphrodisiac?? i don't know..the only aphrodisiac i know about in chinese medicine is the Tiger's *****....and probably rhino horn powdered drink with ginseng and bear claw or something like that. ask the chinese medicinal man...there are a few at pacific mall in markam..hahahaha...:)

12-05-03, 12:00 PM
what??? i cant say *****?? its a biological part man!! its biology and a natural part of our bodies...why can't i say it?? not like i'm cussing or anything...oh well....whateva..:)

12-05-03, 01:10 PM
I've haven't eaten snake yet, but I definitely would love to try it :) I've heard of people eating lizard tail before... I personally have only eaten Alligator before down in the states at Papa Deauxs ;)

12-09-03, 09:13 AM
Try www.petsorfood.com We just "happened" on this web site from another forum... it was kind of funny at the time.

12-09-03, 07:41 PM
my mom ate snake once when she was in highschool but i don;'t think i ever would while were on the topic of eating wierd things my friend is vitemises and her culture a long time ago they used to eat human stillborns:S i don;'t think they do anymore but its pretty interesting and sorta creepy:S

12-10-03, 12:01 AM
Dozer, snake is a Chinese delicacy that is available in winter. You can find it in most Chinese restaurants in Toronto.

Solid Snake
12-10-03, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Edwin
Dozer, snake is a Chinese delicacy that is available in winter. You can find it in most Chinese restaurants in Toronto.

my parents and i go grocery shopping there and i never have seen any snakes being chopped up and served. A few of my friend work in downtown TO's chines restaurants and i garauntee they dont!

if they do they'd probably be shut down.

Solid Snake
12-10-03, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Edwin
Dozer, snake is a Chinese delicacy that is available in winter. You can find it in most Chinese restaurants in Toronto.

when u say its a chinese delicacy, EVERY THING IS DELICACY!

from bears, monkeys, snakes, expenive fish, shark, gorilla etc...

12-10-03, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Solid Snake
when u say its a chinese delicacy, EVERY THING IS DELICACY!

from bears, monkeys, snakes, expenive fish, shark, gorilla etc...

True, true. :)