View Full Version : New additions to the misting system!!

11-28-03, 09:13 PM
For those of you that caught my description in a previous thread of my homemade rain system, I have added some modifications.
The system worked but the resevoir that holds the water supply cooled off after an hour or so. And Lucy loves a hot shower, so...
I mounted an aquarium heater I had around, inside the resevoir. Now it's set to keep the water a blistering 120 deg. (thats ferenhiet by the way lol).
Now what if I forget to top it up and it runs dry? No problem. I bought a float switch from Co-op(replacement part for a water softener) for $6.99. I installed it at the bottom of the tank 3 inches from the bottom.(Drill a hole and it has 2 O-rings to seal it on so the wires are outside) Then I wired the heater before the timer on the Powerhead. Then wired the float switch to the pump/heater power chord. So if it gets too low, it shuts off power to the pump and heater. No heater burning out, and no powerhead running dry.
Next project is to plumb a 1/4 inch water line to a feed on the resevoir with another float to automaticly top it up. Ohh and about 5 more chameleons and enclosures to make all the work worth it. lol.
She is definately worth it by herself.

11-28-03, 09:32 PM
I'm so not mechanically inclined! You want to come here and set up an automatic system for me? I could probably pawn 5 or so chameleons off on you for your troubles! LOL!

I know you don't have a digicam, but if you can borrow one I'd love to see this system... oh and Lucy too of course.


11-28-03, 09:36 PM
This weekend!! I'm borrowing it to take 100, 293,348 pics of Lucy her cage the mister, me and Lucy, Lucy and me, Lucy happy, Lucy sad, Lucy eating, Lucy basking, Lucy drinking and so forth. They'll be plastered all over the forums this weekend. lol.

11-28-03, 09:39 PM
Ohh , and I will definately set up a mister for you. But I will need at least 8 chams. That's my finally offer. Ohh and if 2 could be a breeding pair of Parson's, that would be super. lol Oh, and a Nosey Be. I like them too.
Ok, ok, I'd do it for free just to see all your chameleons. That would be cool. You probably live 14 days from me though so I might have to wait to see if you move to Saskatoon any time soon. lol

11-28-03, 10:55 PM
Just 100 293 348? Bah, that's nothing. Just wait until I get around to posting pics of my latest acquisitions from the show last weekend. :rolleyes:

11-28-03, 11:31 PM
ha wow im laughing so hard, it really is a good, it would be great to see Lucy, and you misting system, i got picture in my head how you made it but its still a little fuzzy. A pic would defintaly help:)
