View Full Version : oscillated skink

11-26-03, 08:19 PM
Anyone know anything about these?? I can't find any care sheets or anything on the net.

11-27-03, 01:09 AM
I have 5... lol, they are addictive! And very easy to care for.

How many do you have? Same sex pairs will fight come breeding season, its the only way to sex them though. A 5 gallon tank will hold a single occellated skink easily, use about 1 inch of washed playsand (from Home Depot) as a substrait. They will swim in the sand and spend a lot of time hiding in it. A few reptile decorations or cork bark will provide hiding places and you will need two dishes, one for food one for water.
A heat lamp over one end will be good as they like to bask... try a 50 watt bulb.
A good diet is fancy feast beef cat food in the dish, they will gobble this up!! As variety they also eat a bit of baby food (fruit or veggies). They also love hunting the occassional cricket . You can use a fish net to seive the sand to clean it, and completly change and clean the tank every 2-3 weeks.

Good luck! They are gorgeous and I really enjoy mine!

11-27-03, 01:35 AM
Nice job Wilma!
Did that one you got from me ever have babies?

11-27-03, 04:34 AM
No, I think she was just fat! But they are still living together and I am keeping my eye on them :D I love how one is greener than the others and one is more golden, so I can tell them apart. I figure they will either all live happily or one day I will need to seperate out the fighting ones! lol, and hopfully all three wont be fighting!

11-27-03, 10:59 AM
Wow thanks!! I don't actually have one I was doing my research before I bought one. How are they for handling.

11-27-03, 10:47 PM
if they are cool first thing you can pet them and pick them up, this works best once they know you bring food. Once they are warm they are lightning quick. The adults I got hide from me but my two babies I have raised look to me for food and come out specifically when they see me feeding my geckos to beg for meal worms.
Your best pet is to find a younger skink then, but even then its more for watching then handling. I love the subtle golden hues of their scales and find them very attractive animals. It has actually led to my interest into other skinks and plated lizards!

11-28-03, 01:46 PM
I agree they are very cool. I think I'll hold off buying one because I like interacting with my lizards and being able to take them out to show my nephews and little brothers.