View Full Version : Egg laying hole

11-25-03, 07:45 PM
My female veild Mrs.moo has been digging a hole for the past 3 days she started sunday morning. at nite she comes up and waits for me to water her eats one silk and returns to the hole in the morning. She did this b4 but it only lasted 2 days... Right now she is soo deep i cant see her Im assuming that she is now laying because i cant see a tail i think this is the deepet/longest hole ever... have any of u ever had a female dig the same hole for days? too bad they are infirtal.

11-25-03, 07:56 PM
ahhh bummer, lol try and get pic it would be intresting to see


11-25-03, 07:59 PM
have any of u ever had a female dig the same hole for days?

No, not really. My girls get thrown in my egg laying bucket and they get down to business right away. I don't turn the light attached to the pail off at night either, it's on for the duration.

My females will dig their hole and lay the eggs within a few hours, but what drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY is the fact that they spend hours and hours and hours filling in the hole and making sure the dirt is "just right" over the top.



11-25-03, 08:09 PM
2 lays ago she dug a vey shalow hole and layed fast spent forever covering it but when she digs a deep one she just fills in the hole and goes on her buisness. I thought it could be the soil conditions but i know the signs and have checked it daily making sure it was good. Just seems to be funny lol silly girl think this is her 9th or 10th batch when she first layed she was fat soo fat i have had to thin he down alot her first batch was 80+eggs she is down to about 30 here look at the b4 and after.

this is what a fat and preggo cham looks like

her now

11-25-03, 08:32 PM
LoL, Love the top picture!!! Just curious, what type of substrate are you using?

11-25-03, 08:35 PM
soil / sand mixture and i get it wet enouf so it will stay in place for her when she digs. So fat lol those were the days lol.

11-25-03, 08:41 PM

11-25-03, 08:50 PM
my dwarfs have dug in the same hole for several days as well ... i dont know why .. maybe they are just crazy :)

Wuntu Menny
11-25-03, 09:09 PM
Wrong conditions for laying! She's not happy with either the temp or moisture in the substrate, that's why she keeps on working. Its extremely stressful and unhealthy on them to let the situation drag on like that. Additionally, clutches of 80+ eggs are potentially fatal to the cham. That's telling you that she's getting fed a little too well during her ovulation cycle.

Veiled females, regardless of clutch size or age, should be dropping their eggs within 6-18 hrs. Other species may have more or less elaborate nesting rituals and may take as little as a few minutes or as long as a few days. For her sake, review your techniques and make adjusments to help her out. I've found that starting the excavation for her with a spoon can shave hours off the process. Also, clearing the sand she's already removed away from the entrance can speed things up.


11-25-03, 09:30 PM
80+ eggs is what she laied over 2 years ago she is now down to around 30 as i said above, she is done laying now she is covering it up. the firs day she dug over half the hole when i got home from the rep show aroung 3 pm she was up acting normal the next morning she went in again came up went in ect, today she went down digging again around 12 noon and stuck her tail down around 7-8 and is comming up now filling it in. im leaving her lights on so she can finnish. she dosent seem stressed i have seen that b4. she was my 2nd chameleon and is over 3 now that top pic was taken b4 her first clutch. I posted that pic to show what a fat cham looks like she does not look like that now and hates me for it, she is always looking for food and literly huffs when i go to her cage without food its funny.

11-25-03, 10:39 PM
very cool, i love the second pic, they are huge lol:p


Wuntu Menny
11-25-03, 10:48 PM
Glad to hear she's wrapping it up. The female I have now looks almost identical to the second pic. She will be 5 yrs old in march and has the exact same attitude with feeding. If I let her, I know she would eat 40 crix per day.


11-25-03, 11:28 PM
lol i have never seen her get full the rest of my females will eat about half of what i give them then wait till they are hungery agin she eats everything and then looks for me to give her more, she makes me feel like im starving her. Its too bad i have to regulate her other then her aobseeon with food i cant complain about her. She is great. I love her to death.

11-26-03, 12:54 AM
Collide that looks like a pimpin enclosure, can i see a pic of the whole thing?


11-26-03, 01:06 AM
this is fairly old ill take some new ones im making some additions like sealing all the wood ect...


11-26-03, 01:21 PM
Very nice, how do manage to keep the humidity up?


11-26-03, 02:37 PM
humidiy lol well its not as high as id like it the plants are planted right in the enclosures which helps and i work from home soo they get lots of mistings throughout the day eventually ill have a cham room when i move and ill run humidyfires ect to help and im going to be building or buying a automatic misting system soo so that will help as well...

As for Mrs. Moo she layed 31 eggs last nite god how i whish they were fertil but there really are too many veilds out there. She had dug to the bottom all the way she is all coverd in dirt lol. and back to begging for food already lol...

11-26-03, 04:57 PM
Hey Meow... you wanted an egg laying pic? Naturally I've got one... :rolleyes: This is what is happening at my house right now. I put her in the bucket about 10:30 this morning and she got down to business right away.


UGH! Now for the neverending repacking of the dang hole. That is the part I HATE.



11-26-03, 07:23 PM
Nice setup. I'm a little jealous but I'll keep it to myself. lol

11-26-03, 08:04 PM
thanks trace, wow the soil really has to be just right lol, i could see some parts thata are dry and moist, pretty nice whole:p good luck with those eggs
