View Full Version : Suggestions for a 48"x18"x24" aquarium

11-24-03, 06:49 PM
I'm looking for suggestions on a lizzard suitable to this enclosure. Must be able to handle dry conditions, current humidity in my house is 22%, as I dont want to deal with daily mistings. I dont want any geckos and perfable something that wont remove my digits:D. Initial cost isnt really to much of a factor but I would like to keep the regular upkeep cost reasonable. I currently have fish in ther that are costin me in the niebourhood of 200/month:(



11-24-03, 07:05 PM
A uromastyx would be great, just loving that nice low humidity.

11-24-03, 08:01 PM
Bearded dragons are from areas of Australia that are exceedingly dry. I know how dry it is in Alberta, and I don't know a single beardie owner (and believe me, I know many) who make any effort to raise the humidity for their beardies, and they all do quite well under that condition. :)

11-24-03, 08:10 PM
Beardies don't do all that well with an 18 inch cage width though, unless they remain under 17 inches long. They hate brushing their tail against cage walls and often develop obesity-related problems when kept in a cage that doesn't allow them to avoid the cage walls when turning around.

So many of the "sick" rescued beardies I take in are cured by just putting them in a 4x2x2 cage and allowing them room to move.

11-24-03, 08:12 PM
Collard Lizards! Really perdy lizards, not bad to have. Otherwise, a uromastyx, bearded, or chuckwallas come to mind as well.

11-24-03, 08:24 PM
Eyespy - I concur on the width. I guess I was assuming that 18" was the height. 18" would be a little restrictive on their movement.

So, I guess go for the Uro! :)

11-24-03, 08:37 PM
I was assuming width, those are pretty standard dimensions for a 55 gallon tank. But if it's the height then it's okay for a beardie.

11-24-03, 10:10 PM
actually its a 77 US gal and it only 16" wide. couldnt i just crop the beardies tail if it got to long??? Like a doberman:D

uromastyx sounds cool. they had one at the petstore but i only ever saw its tail. does anyone ship them in Canada or would the be at the Edmonton/Calgary spring show???

Collard Lizards look very nice I have the same questions about thes as the uro.

keep those suggestions commin. This is a preliminary investigation wont be getting anything until late spring early summer.

on another notee this tank is in my living room so something that likes to be out during the day and looks cool/pretty is preferable

thx again


11-25-03, 11:40 AM
I believe Collared lizards do require high humidity, but I could be wrong on that one...

11-29-03, 04:27 PM
You can maintain in this cage a group of five or 6 leopard gecko, Eumeces shneideri,dipsausorus dorsalis or sceloporus sp.

11-29-03, 05:03 PM
Collared lizard do not need humidity, its a desertic lizard.

11-29-03, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by NItrO
Collared lizard do not need humidity, its a desertic lizard.

you know any Canadian breeders? I heard they are real fast yours ever get away on ya? and how is thier temperment?

11-29-03, 06:51 PM
Very fast..and bipedal at that. Collards are a desert species for the most part but found in some higher elevation mountains as well. But what about a chuck?....nobody likes chuckwallas. Awesome iguanids, some of me favs.

11-29-03, 07:46 PM
I wonder how Collards would really handle a 4' enclosure seems almost cruel. They'ld never really get a chance to strech thier legs. I could put it on a leach and take it for a bike ride in the summer i guess:). As far as chucks go I dont tink my enclosure is wide enough

11-29-03, 08:43 PM
I had a female and a male (I've sell the female) in a 40 gallons. Its perfect. I dont know any breeder in CND. I think CB collared lizard are pretty rare. I'll try to get an other collaris female for my male.
