View Full Version : Just warmin' up

11-24-03, 01:31 PM
You've seen this guy before.. He was out this morning getting some sun in the parking lot near one of his burrows. Always a welcome sight for me --especially when I'm at work.

red bootz
11-24-03, 02:02 PM
He's smiling!

11-24-03, 02:24 PM
He's sooo cute, I love turtles and torts!

11-24-03, 03:16 PM
he is huge

11-25-03, 10:37 AM
They are very cool. I see them at work all day. Great pic.

11-25-03, 06:30 PM
ur a lucky person to have giant tortoises at work. i havent seen a wild turtle/tortoise in yrs! thx for the pic

Scott Wahlberg
11-26-03, 01:25 AM
I guess those guys aren't real common in Florida. They would be rd pancakes if they were found in my work parking lot. Great looking pic. I would definitely enjoy going to work if that is what i saw.

11-26-03, 11:48 AM
looks like a coke addict to me............sniff sniff

11-26-03, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by Scott Wahlberg
I guess those guys aren't real common in Florida. They would be rd pancakes if they were found in my work parking lot. Great looking pic. I would definitely enjoy going to work if that is what i saw.

Same here....i would love to wake up in the morning to go to work knowing that i would see one of these guys smilling at me, that would make my day.

Instead i go to work to see traffic jams, pollution and a bunch of depressed middle age people wearing suits, selling credit card terminals to a bunch of ungrateful, bad tempered customers who don't give two sh*ts about them or anyone else but their own profit...............god i hate my job...lol!

Cute turtle tho!!! :)

11-27-03, 08:11 PM
Great pic! I wish I'd see herps like that on my way to work! :)

12-16-03, 04:52 PM
oh man...i wish i lived in FL...so many herps there...

12-24-03, 04:13 PM

01-10-04, 11:46 AM
sweet tortoise. nice picture

01-10-04, 01:39 PM
....we saw last weekend (1/04) at a favorite herp spot. Looks like he's seen alot, huh?http://photos.herphost.com/albums/userpics/gopher1%7E0.JPG