View Full Version : I got the bluezzzz :)

11-24-03, 12:52 PM
Here's my new Blue Panther Nosybe, got it at the show this weekend, he made the 6 hours trip worth the while :)

My plan was to buy a vieled female for my BG after seing Traces veiled baby pictures :) But, even if I know it would be really fun to do this breeding project, I find there are more than enough veileds on the market for the moment. So I decide to add another male in my collection and we'll see later if we decide to breed him in the coming years.

enjoy !




11-24-03, 01:02 PM
DANG YOU! :p He's far too handsome! I almost, ALMOST bought one from Arboreal Exotics yesterday but I couldn't justify it. Perhaps next show. Is yours from Connie?

Have fun with him, he'll be electric blue in no time.



11-24-03, 01:19 PM
That's in fact where I got it ! Can't hide anything from you ;)


11-24-03, 01:46 PM
Wow, those are some really nice purple tones for such a youngster. Please post new pics as often as you can as I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to watch his colors develop.

11-24-03, 02:02 PM
I was gonna get one too but couldent justify it either. oh well he is so cute gotta love the babies

11-24-03, 02:09 PM
Too cute for words, lol. I saw a few babies for sale at Connie's table, and they're all nice. Expect the colors to really show up in about 2-3 months. =)

They had a pair of 3 horned chams too, but they were already sold... =(


11-24-03, 05:04 PM
hey i saw that one at the show, wow there was a lot of people, i also wanted to get one there but i only brought 40 bucks for my own good lol, but i did get a bby veiled hes very nice, ill post pics once i get a better pic, very nice little guy you got there:)got a name?


11-24-03, 05:18 PM
thanks for the comments guys,

Hum name !!!! looking for one :)


11-24-03, 05:32 PM
Congrats on the new panther. You can name him Azul, its blue in potuguese as well as other languages.


11-24-03, 09:30 PM
Nice!! I saw a 1 year old blue Nosey Be yesterday. Beautiful coloring. Almost bought her. But not much room left in my place. I'm saving any extra space for a herp that needs rescuing. Someone that really needs the home.

11-24-03, 10:14 PM
that's one tiny *******

11-24-03, 10:17 PM
gfisher2002, how much was it????


11-24-03, 10:19 PM
very nice looking~
cute too!
too bad that I didn't actually get to meet you in person yesterday.
Plus...I own you some money man....you better come and get the $$ off me....or else I'll be stealing your money away from you..muhahahahaha

maybe I'll get to meet you the next time we have a show like this~

11-24-03, 11:05 PM
He's $250 bucks, and was born may 31, 2002. Hes been very well cared for.

11-24-03, 11:26 PM
hey that price isnt to bad about a year old, pretty kool


11-25-03, 10:47 PM
very nice looking babe
i myself was extremly happy with max (and it so happens she also hatched out my dwarfs (last clutch before she stopped breeding cephs))
:) i am picking one up in either feb or april :)
