View Full Version : Adult Red, eye
11-24-03, 10:08 AM
I just got a pair of adult blood pythons at the show...the female looks like she may have retained her eye caps...
the eye looks like it has a bad rinkle on it (more than normal) and slightly puffy.
She's very aggresive so how do I get this off that won't traumatize her.
Simon Sansom
11-24-03, 11:07 AM
Hi Dana,
If she does have a retained eye cap, you CAN leave it on, and as long as she is properly hydrated and soaked during the next shedding cycle it should come off just fine. It's when you get multiple retained eye caps (One on top of the other) that you can have a problem.
Retained caps can be removed by repeatedy soaking ot moistening the eye and then very gently loosening it around the edges with blunt, smooth tweezers, or with sticky tape, wrapped sticky-side-out around a finger and just gently touched to the eye-cap to CAREFULLY pull it away.
But it may very well be best to leave it and make sure that she sheds properly next time.
Cheers, man!
Let us know how it goes.
11-24-03, 02:27 PM
Not trying to be an *** here, but how about not buying unhealthy looking snakes?
11-24-03, 08:03 PM
thanks for the advice Simon.....Beardonicus so I will assume by this all of your animals are and have always been, right from hatching been in perfect health and you've never needed anyone's advice!
Thanks for the input!
11-24-03, 08:10 PM
Ummm, no, but I have never knowingly bought an unhealthy animal and then complained about it. You should ALWAYS buy healthy animals. Buying unhealthy ones only gives the person whol sold them the incentive to do the same thing again.....why sell healthy animals? Someone will buy them anyway.
11-24-03, 08:31 PM
bought these buy the way from a post on this site...I just picked them up the seller misinformed me as too the health of the animals and at the time she was a little too tempermental to try to "closely" examine her with the number of people around...she's very aggresive and not tolerent of any movement, most likely due to the eyecaps....anyways that all is besides the point, I'm looking for ideas to help the animal, I'm not looking for an argument about your checklist for buying animals now am I... If you do have any ideas I'd love to hear them...
11-24-03, 10:38 PM're not making it sound any better. If someone lies to me about the health of a snake and I go to pick it up, and the animal is not what they told me it was, I DON'T BUY IT! Did this person put a gun to your head and force you to purchase the animals?
Hey, Doppie Dave, quick being such a jackass know it all sarcastic bitch!!! When someone has a question or a problem, you come across like an arrogant *******. Can you be more helpful instead of putting someone down? People come to these boards, like myself, to get help or to learn, and not to be treated like some moron. I'm a newbie to herps, and I would like to learn as much as I can without having some wannabe know it all to put me down without helping me out.
I know you were just banned from another board for your childish behaviors. Act like an adult, and not like some pimpled face high school boy who got his *** kicked everyday in school.
11-25-03, 12:02 AM
LOL......pot meet kettle.
11-25-03, 04:37 PM
Thanks thoughts exactly, I am almost about to give up posting any questions at all solely because of Jack asses like that!
I quess some people never mature!
Dana J. Cofell
11-25-03, 04:45 PM
gargoyle clear out your PM box.
11-25-03, 05:14 PM
Come on people....are we adults here or not? You gonna cry because someone said something that made you think instead of spoon feeding you the answer to everything? All I was doing was trying to provoke thought so you don't make the same mistake in the future.
11-25-03, 05:30 PM
And you must be the "all knowing" to do with herps teach us something, you haven't even suggested an answer to any question that I've seen you post on... all you do is trash talk to people....You must have a serious self esteem issue if all you can do is "try" to knock others down...If you don't have a useful comment how about next time you just think it..
I know that I speak for a few people here in saying that personally I don't think you know how to do anything other that piss others off. All of your comments are totally rude, ignorant and un-called for. I sure am glad that there are a lot of good people on these sites but people like you just give a negative image to anyone that reads your posts....grow up and do something constructive, you sure aren't here!
11-25-03, 06:06 PM
If you think my comments here were of no use and un-called for, then no amount of advice will help you. I was trying to get at the root of the problem.....would you have the need to start this thread if you had purchased healthy animals? You admitted to KNOWINGLY purchasing unhealthy animals, so that leaves YOU to blame for your own one made you buy those animals. You could have very well said 'no thanks' and bought healthy ones. You chose to not go the proper route and then seem bewildered....???.....I'm am by no means a know it all....and I have often found that that is a lable that people throw out when their own mindset has been challenged by another who brought up something they did not hink of. My main point was: be more careful of what you buy in the future. If that means nothing to you, then you are the one who needs to rethink your situation.
It's just an eye cap, it's not like Gargoyle went out and bought some snake that was on it's death bed.
11-25-03, 08:55 PM
Jeez it was just an eyecap Beardonicus. Lay off. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it.
11-25-03, 10:55 PM
You could have said, well its unfortunate that you bought a snake with a problem like that but we all learn from our mistakes. Now I will offer a solution............>>>>SOLUTION.
My grandmother always said if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all. PERIOD!!!!
Ive been trying to figure out this whole het. thing and everyone has been sooo helpful. Im glad I didnt get responses like this.
Wow this thread needs to calm down. Gargoyle was just asking a simple question about how to help his snake, not complaining. Nobody needs to jump on anyone here. These forums are for sharing advice and helping others -civilly-.
11-25-03, 11:17 PM
Its that kind of attitude that allows dealers to continue to sell sub-par animals with no consequence at all. I for one would NEVER purchase an animal with retained eyecaps....if the person could not do something as simple as maintain proper shedding conditions, who knows what else they may have done or not done? You see my point? The truth will never be sugar-coated.
Nobody is asking for sugar-coating, just to keep it friendly :)
11-25-03, 11:54 PM
Well I have to add one more thing, Bloods can be terrible shedders. Just because a snake has retained eyecaps doesnt mean its unhealthy. My close friend Potts has a blood and it has been having a terrible time shedding but that is not to say that he is a bad snake keeper. He is actually a really good caretaker. He spends about an hour a day just with that snake. Well thats the only snake he has but my point is just because it had eyecaps retained doesnt mean that he shouldnt have bought the snake. So good luck with getting those eyecaps off if its not already done.
11-26-03, 12:12 AM
Bloods if kept correctly have no more shedding problems than any other snake. Your friend needs to look at his husbandry. Does he provide a humid hide area? Bloods need humidity, but also a dry place as well. A humid hide with damp cypress mulch or spagnum moss works great.
Grant vg
11-26-03, 02:58 AM
Just because they recieved a snake with eyecaps means absolutely NOTHING concerning there health.
Thats not to say that your points are wrong, assuming you knew the situation and/or the seller involved, but i dont think that is the case here.
Lets face it, regardless of how "talented" one is at taking care of there snakes, you're bound to have a snake with retained eye caps somewhere along the line.
Perhaps the seller caught the eye caps too late in a drying period and decided to bypass the "tape to the eye" because they felt it could do more harm then good. Which can very well happen, with lack of experience and a little bit of bad luck.
If i didn't catch it in time, without a doubt, id leave the eye caps on till next shed. Infact, last month i sent an expensive animal to the states with retained eye caps. And this animal was extremely healthy as well as taken care with the best husbandry.
I dont see how you can justify your first post as "provoking thought", perhaps provoking a flame would be a better term.
If you want to be helpful on these boards, then take the time to write your posts respectfully or dont write them at all.
no where in Dana's first post did he "complain" about his purchase. he simply stated the situation, and asked for the best way to solve it.
Your following posts have a little bit more credibility to them, perhaps you sat back and wrote your posts a little more tactful this time around or perhaps its because you started actually finding out some facts that you could base your opinion on instead of jumping to conclusions.
Now, we have a thread with a valid question and really only one useful answer by simon, but 20 something replies. I only hope that a noobie doesn't come across this thread in a search for information and becomes scared to ask a question.
Dana, i hope you got my email.
please let me know if you did not.
11-26-03, 11:30 AM
I got the Email Grant....Thank you very much!
11-26-03, 03:10 PM
What can I say....I have an abrasive personality. I apologize to anyone I may have offended. I hope all goes well with your blood, gargoyle and that you get those eye caps off successfully.
aw, thats it? MORE!
I'm jokin'
Hey BigPlaya! Kamaula sheds are getting better now, still not great. I have taken care of lots of snakes and Bloods and Ball pythons always seem to have shed problems. My humidity and temps all seem to be in the proper range....odd. One thing I have noticed is that he (the blood) hates it when I turn on his hot spot heat lamp! He will get as far away from it as possible! Its only a 75 watter to boot! Does anyones Blood actually "use" there "hot spot" ? I have never seen my "bask" and is always on the "cool" side of the tank. I checked and rechecked my temps and they are what everyone says they should be. Frustrating...Anyhow, Beardionicus: It took a big man to apoligize like that, nice work. I must confess sometimes I have bought a snake in bad shape to help(heal) the snake. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Nothing in this world upsets me like walking in to a "pet store" and seeing animals neglected or poorly cared for. Lets keep this board helpful and civil. Its one of the best out there. Take care everyone, thanks for your time, Potts:}
Wow...I didn't mean to start a flame war. I suppose I over reacted just a bit. I guess I kinda get defensive sometimes when I feel like someone's getting attacked.
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