View Full Version : mr clean....?

11-23-03, 11:07 PM
hey everyone:) today while i was cleaning my frogs tank i was out of my normal reptile disenficten and looking around saw mr.clean i just put a few little drops in and added lots of water and scrubbed around then emptyed it then filled it just with water hoping to get rid of any chemical resadue. then i emptied that out and put the water they would be swimming in, in the tank and when i put my fogs back in they started acting really wierd like they would jump out of the water and it looked like they were havign a hard time breathing so i quickly took them out and put them in a tempory setup with clean water. is mr.clean that strong i mean i only used like 4 tiny drops and i washed it out again afterwards anyways in the future that won;t be happening but as for the frogs should i bing them to a vet?

any advice appreciated:) thank you

reptile boi
11-23-03, 11:13 PM
r u sure that the water wasnt just too warm? My tree frogs used to do that when i added warm water to their terrerium. Also, maybe you should rinse out the water dish or whatever their water is in at least 5 more times and scrub it down with just water and let it air dry for 2 nights to be safe?


11-24-03, 09:26 AM
Calling a vet is a good idea, but I'd clean the frogs up well before even calling to avoid any possible toxin buildup while you are waiting to see the vet.

A salt bath can help them to rid their body tissues of any chemicals they may have absorbed. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt in a gallon of lukewarm water. If you don't have any aquarium salt use a half-tablespoon each of table salt and Epsom salts.

Soak the frogs for 20 minutes, then use plain water for another 20 minute soak. The salt will help to draw fluids and waste products from their cells and get rid of anything they may have absorbed. I don't have any Mr. Clean handy to check the label, but if there's ammonia or nitrates in it the nitrogen can cause liver and kidney toxicity so it's best to try and draw it out of the body.

11-24-03, 12:09 PM
oh ok thx but whats Epsom salts? i have tabel salt but not the other kind i checked the label it says it contains no phophates, chlorine bleach or ammonia but it says its 0.34% sodium hydroxide and i can;t find any other ingreditents so anyways about the salts can i just use tabel salts? pleae e-mail me back the sooner possible the better even thoe most of you are probably at work
the sooner the better thx

11-24-03, 12:13 PM
Epsom salts are sold in drugstores in the first-aid section and contain magnesium which will draw out more toxins than just plain old sodium chloride. Especially since there's a sodium-containing solvent in the Mr. Clean, the magnesium would be helpful to draw it out more thoroughly.

11-24-03, 12:27 PM
ok thx:) i can go pick up the epsom salt in about an hour its pooring rain out right nwo and i'm totally sick but for now can i just use tabel salt in luke warm water until i can get that other type of salt or is it dangerous alone and u said for 20 mins right and then a normal bath in plain water
and out of curousity isn;t salt bad for frogs skin
i dunno just wondering thanks any advice greatly appraicated

11-24-03, 12:50 PM
Longterm salt exposure can dehydrate a frog but short-term salt baths are often used to detox frogs that have had chemical, fungal or bacterial exposure.

I would wait until I get the Epsoms personally, a sodium-based salt won't do much to draw out a sodium-based toxin so why put the frogs through the added stress of an additional bath later. Just make sure they have access to lots of fresh clear water so they can soak at will until you get the chance to do the epsom + table salt bath.

11-24-03, 12:51 PM
wow ok thx soo much thx to everyone who answered eyespy ur my hero lol i was so worried about my frogs thx for everyone who answered u guys r the best!!!!

12-04-03, 07:28 PM
hey eyespy that sounds just really interesting... my tortoise is kind of sick too and i don't really know what is going on with him... his roommate is doing well but this one is like sleeping all the time...

can i do the same treatment of the salt just to clean him or something....???

12-04-03, 08:46 PM
Salt baths are not that effective in turtles or tortoises because they don't absorb nearly as much water through their skins. These guys need intravenous flushing to clear toxins out of their systems, it's not something that can be done at home.