View Full Version : Whites Tree frog cagemates
Does anyone out there have any suggestions on what I can keep in my terrarium with Whites Tree Frogs?? I have a HUGE enclosure for them, and only 3 Whites. I am putting in a waterfall and a fogger, it will look very cool. I want to have some more diversity of animals.
I hope someone has some ideas!!!
Tom P
Wuntu Menny
11-23-03, 02:14 PM
Plants, air, water. Why mix species?
11-23-03, 04:30 PM
Actually Whites secrete a toxin that can kill numerous other species of frog .... the Toronto Zoo has been forced to destroy all tanks that housed whites ...they have tried numerous cleaners..yet nothing works ... so from my experience the only things I have kept in with my whites tiger salamanders and newts ... thats it...u risk other frogs lives if u house them together
11-23-03, 04:40 PM
It is not recommended that you mix species. Want to take up more space in the enclosure? Add more plants and a couple more White's tree frogs.
Tara Garratt
11-23-03, 07:20 PM
White's tree frogs are also very effecient eaters. IF you choose to ignore recommendations to keep species sepatate, please remember that they will eat (or try to) virtually anything even just a shade smaller than they are. If they are nt successful in getting the other creature down, they may well choke in the process of trying. My vote would be the same as other people's, buy more Whites and add more plants.
Tara Garratt
11-23-03, 07:44 PM
The only species I have ever together are anoles and grey tree frogs(and some crote species as well). They did fine and were in a large natural viviarium. Really nice basic set-up with plants rocks, pools and such. I have a 55 gallon I want to make a mini-viviarium out of this spring, and think I will go with just day geckos or tree frogs. The thing with large frogs and toads is though, they do not do well with other species. They tend to eat anything smaller than them. An added thing to toads is their poison glands. You do not want anything to mix with them in a captive situation. I have talked with folks that put Fire Bellies in with anoles, and then wonder why their anoles were all dying off.
As for your Whites, I would just add more if you had the room. IMO I feel they should be alone to their own kind. If you want to do more with numerous species, I would go with smaller tree frogs and small lizard species like anoles. Plain as they may be, it gives an idea of what you can work with in that situation.
The thing with multiple species tanks is that you need a lot of room and a lot of hiding and living areas for them to aquire their own territories in. It is also a good idea to work with arboreal and terrestrial species, so that the whole tank is used up proportionally by every species being kept. You do not want all your herps in one area of the enclosure. It is a good idea to let them spread out and give them space.
Double J
11-23-03, 09:35 PM
I remember on "another snake forum" there was a frogger who gave his whites' anoles as supplemental feeders. In fact, I think I will try to dig up a link to a pic with a white's having an anole tail sticking out of his mouth. Mixing species is just not worth it. People generally end up with dead animals. The question I always ask is "how will the animals benefit from a mixed tank?" The answer...They can't...period. Nobody has ever given me a way in which they would benefit in any way. For the love of your frogs...if you want to keep another animal, get another tank.
Good luck
Thank you very much everyone!!! I really appreciate the prompt responses. I will just add afew more whites.
Next question. What coule I use for plant in the enclosure?? The enclosure is 5'w x 2.5'd x 3'h. I will have 5-6 whites in there. Pothos??
Tom P
Wuntu Menny
11-24-03, 11:48 AM
Pothos is always a good choice for it's sheer hardiness and growth speed. I use it as filler in many cages. I've had really good results with fiddle leaf figs lately (ficus lyrata). It grows tall, with strong, broad leaves and my arboreal geckos can perch all over it without stems or leaves breaking. Larger chinese evergreens might work for you as well as any number of palm species.
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