View Full Version : Here's the Chocolates..

11-23-03, 02:29 AM
A few were asking for an update, so finally none of them are in shed.
Here's all 3 of the new chocolate Kenyans together with a sibling high orange "Nuclear" to illustrate how truly different they are.
All 3 of them are eating and doing just fine.
The female(left) is slightly lighter than the 2 males.
She's a light Mocha color, and the two males are slightly darker brown, but they are completely void of any orange pigment.
They didn't really want to sit still for this pic, and that's why their heads are outside the frame. Thanks to everyone who has showed an interest in this new morph.

11-23-03, 06:58 AM
Amazing! Good luck with them Roy. I can't imagine how exciting it must be to produce a new morph.

11-23-03, 10:56 AM
I sure hope that line proves out. I guess we'll know in a couple of years, eh?

Kyle Walkinshaw
11-23-03, 11:23 AM
Congrats Roy, they look awsome. Good luck with them! :)

11-23-03, 01:13 PM
Wow, those are certainly different!


11-23-03, 05:19 PM
They look great~
and I am so happy for you that they are doing great already~
Most of the new stuff that I get around my place don't really like to eat.....they hate me....haha

11-24-03, 11:36 AM
Very nice, the mocha female is very nice, good luck with them.

11-24-03, 11:57 AM
the colour difference between the two morphs is amazing.

11-24-03, 02:41 PM
Very nice - have to admit I still prefer your brilliant orange ones, but the mocha female has quite a subtle beauty. Definately want to know how these continue to develop and great to hear they are all doing so well,

mary v.

11-26-03, 03:44 PM

11-29-03, 08:56 PM
Hey Unkie! Ed Holder here on chucks pc. Great stuff, Been a while since i've had net access. Good to see you've freed up some time to help out other sites.

You by chance working woth any C. Paulsoni this season....?

Regards....Ed Holder
Durham Snake Group

11-29-03, 08:56 PM
Hey Unkie! Ed Holder here on chucks pc. Great stuff, Been a while since i've had net access. Good to see you've freed up some time to help out other sites.

You by chance working woth any C. Paulsoni this season....?

Regards....Ed Holder
Durham Snake Group

11-29-03, 09:34 PM
m:f pair thank you very much, I'll get them at the airport

11-30-03, 01:59 AM
Yeah, hey Ed! I lost my big ol, female Candoia last year, so I had some time off with the pinky pump. LOL
I have a whack of holdback Paulsoni from past years, so I'll be back up and producing those in 04 or 05...

11-30-03, 04:37 PM
Excellent, Glad to see you still have faith in Candoia! I've got a pair from your line i purchased for Curtus. They'll be ready to go late 04 hopefully. Iam actually quite supprised that they are still feeding at this time of year for me, No pumps required yet (Knock on wood). Sorry to hear about your female though.


11-30-03, 07:17 PM

12-01-03, 01:42 AM
They don't go off food providing they are kept warm enough.conditioning for Candoia involves only night time dips to 70F...
Adults binge right around now, to take up stores for the breeding season which starts in Spring...I have a female that is just pounding back the food. Today I opened the tray, and she went airborne, grabbing onto the mouse I was holding that was about 3 feet away. Scared the heck right out o'me
Luckily she was a good shot.
She's a 2000 baby, that I've been raising slowly...She's only a couple feet long but by the look of her appetite, she might be preparing for her first litter.

12-01-03, 09:24 PM
Very nice Kenyans! :)

12-04-03, 02:30 AM
Well Roy I still haven't got my Kenyans so I'll take the chocolates, and I don't want to here any "got to come visit me" Or "just fly out" LOL

12-04-03, 06:16 AM
Those chocolates are looking damn fine. It was nice to have another look at them.