View Full Version : Video in the bath and question on mangrove

11-21-03, 06:05 PM
I took this small video last week end. He's sheeding so I want to be sure he's well hydrated. He do soak sometimes but I don't disturb him much during the week so he can settle down. Nothing new for you monitor owner but I think it's really nice to watch.

Croc style:


Crawl (well that's the name in french of a way of swimming that looks likes what he's doing)


And the question about locality of mangrove. A friend (Poisonous) sent me this pics of a mangrove that look different then mine, lots more yellow and striped paterned tail. Is it a solomon locals? Also Steve B if you read this, can you tell if it's a male or female? I re post a pics of mine on the botom to see them aside so the difference are more obvious. Mine has less yellow, in rossette kind of patern and no stripped tail.



Thanks in advance!

Solid Snake
11-21-03, 10:27 PM
that was a really cool video!! nice mangrove

11-22-03, 12:07 AM
LOL cute videos! :p

11-22-03, 12:08 AM
nice videos. Monitors are neat :D

11-22-03, 12:15 AM
hehe that was preaty cool... how freindly is he?

11-22-03, 04:20 AM
haha thats awesome, i had a bad experience with a savannah monitor a year ago, what do you think would be a good starter monitor that gets about 4-5feet? excluding ackies and savannah's and niles plz. also do you keep him in that rubbermaid? i didn't knwo you could keep monitors in them

11-22-03, 04:39 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

roesencrantz: No, he's not friendly at all at this time. I'll be working on his temper soon :)

maiden_canada: I can't give you advice since it's my first monitor, some more experience keeper will give you better advice. Why you had a bad experience? It's not mine in the first pics and I guess it's just a temporary enclosure.

11-22-03, 12:25 PM
Great videos, thanks for sharing. :)

11-28-03, 07:50 PM
Yours appears to be a male but, it is not 100% accurate. Males will often extend the hemipenes during handling or when deficating. There is also some difference in skull structure but that a bit tough to explain in this forum. Mangrove's have a VERY wide range. Some of the specimens do not even come from the Solomon's even though they may be shipped from there. The variation island to island is incredible. Also, depending on the locality they can reach maximum size of 4'-6'! Most max out at 31/2-4'. Diet is quite varied. During breeding season the diet consists mostly of crabs. This is due to the seasonal breeding of this prey species. Will take fish, lean beef or chicken, can cat food,rodents, insects, and are known bird and nest raiders. They tend to occur near water and are able to rid themselves of excess salts. The taxonomy of this species is still being reviewed and constantly will be revised for some time. If you do obtain a pair they usually are sexually mature at 3-31/2' but again depends on the locality and maximum size that the population reaches. They can be induced to breed by reducing photo period and slightly cooler temps. A rain chamber definately helps since the monsoon season is when they breed in the wild. They do not lay large clutches but may multiple clutch. Usually 4-8 eggs but again can vary with locality. Generaly very even tempered and rarely bite but, can be flighty and may scratch or whip. Most calm down quickly. Hope that helps if anyone needs specifics please ask. Thanks Ray G. HBR

12-12-03, 10:32 PM
cool video. And also, IS there a good starter monitor excluding what maiden_canada said? Good for handling?:)