View Full Version : SOme boa's have feeding Issues

11-21-03, 04:32 PM
Rose did something rather strange today she yanked the rat out of my hands and promtly stood it up and watched it for activity... I know it was dead it was in the freezer a good 6 mos and was floating in the water bucket at least an hour. Some people just don't want to trust you


really weird she finally dropped it and looked around the cage for a min and then picked it back up SLURP!!!!
Ok that was weird....
The games those hogiies likes to play..
SOrry about the flash we didn't have a lot of time to stage it and if I opened the door I might have been more closely involved with the picture cause she don't share nothin

11-21-03, 05:55 PM
Hey thats a great lookin Hog! I have one hog that does the same thing when she eats. A couple days ago a friend and I were discussing how some of our boas constricted their dead rat a long time before eating it and others just ate it with out much if any constriction. At first we thought the amount of time of constriction may depend on how hungry the boa is but realized that the boas that constrict for a long time do this even if they haven't been fed for awhile. Maybe it is genetic or part of their personality. Who knows.

11-21-03, 07:16 PM
Nice hog you got there.

11-21-03, 10:00 PM
great shot!

yeah I've seen some pretty weird things when my snakes eat =)


11-21-03, 11:23 PM
Beautiful Hog! Yeah, I noticed that boas in general like to "test" their food. :D

11-21-03, 11:26 PM
awesome picture!

11-21-03, 11:37 PM
LOL some pythons too! Sessions like with this girl could last up to half hour or so :rolleyes: Makes ya wonder just what they are looking for???

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/507/22whyareyoulookingatme-med.jpg">

11-22-03, 12:35 PM
Like Erin said, every one of our BCI constricts their prey for about 10 minutes or more, then they start "surveying" it. In the case of our big boy, he's always looking for the best way to get the wabbit down. Sometimes he'll try 4 or 5 different ways to swallow it before he finally figure out "Hey, the head works well!" LOL