View Full Version : How do you bait boas?

08-14-02, 09:21 PM
I got word tonight that a next door neighbor (actually about two doors down), released his boas into the yard yesterday and fled, he's obviously in some trouble with the law. My understanding is that he likely had to release them, or the step-mother was going to starve the snakes to death or kill them, and he had to do it in a hurry. Now here's the clincher, right by our house is a prime hunting area for the snakes complete with lots of downed trees and a pond and I figure they are going to come this way because of the water since we've had a drought this summer.

Today we threw out mouse bedding and I'm wondering if that might help me to attract those babies here and wanted to know if any of you have any ideas about attracting them to the house?

I can't go trapsing through the neighborhood yards because I don't get along with some of the neighbors and they are extremely fearful of snakes of any kind, so I can't tell them to alert me when and if they see any 'large' constrictors' roaming the property, they're fundies and rednecks and they'd just get their guns and start shooting everything that moves! So if you have any tips for me, I'd love to catch these guys. I know the fella that owned them and it was always a point of pride with him to keep his animals happy and healthy, I feel like this was an act of desperation, but we could be looking at rescuing some very nice boids here.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.


08-14-02, 10:44 PM
WOW what a shame :( One thing you can try geeze how big are they?? Maybe get a crab or racoon trap or two with freshly killed rats or bunnies. But It might scrach them up check before hand. Perhaps get a large tupperware box or two and try the same thing only cutting a hole that is big enough for one or two to get in, but after it eats the freshly killed it will be to big to get out. Sorry I am not anymore help if they were the size of corn snakes lol you can get a 2 litter bottles and put a freshly killed mouse or rat in it and the same thing applies, it can crawl in the bottle but it wont beable to get out once it has eaten. GL and keep us informed!

08-14-02, 11:00 PM
Thank you, I might just try that rubbermaid idea out. My brother knows the step-mother, he's going to talk to her for me, they may still be hanging out by the house waiting for food, I don't know when the last feeding was, so it's possible. If so, I'm going to go up there with some 40 gallon containers and see if I can get them.

I'll keep you posted.


08-14-02, 11:03 PM
WOW!..thats terrible,please let us know if you hapen to come across them!

08-15-02, 05:55 PM
I'm still walking around looking, lurking, hoping. My brother went by there twice and called three or four times today and no one has been home. We've put out the word in the neighborhood that if folks see them they are to call here and we'll come retrieve them, that's about all we can do short of trespassing and getting arrested. I have found myself wishing they could hear so I could walk around with a mouse yelling, "here snakey, snakey, snakey" and have them come slithering like dogs after a bone! LOL

I'm torn apart by the whole thing, just worried to death what one of these rednecks might do to them if they happen upon them, or what might happen if they eat a local mouse or rat that has been into some rat poison. I am so friggin' depressed about this whole thing, but what can you do?


08-15-02, 06:48 PM
beat the guy up who carelessly dumped them thinking they can survive just anywaare they land!

08-15-02, 07:24 PM
You know, I'd really like to give him a good thrashing to be honest. But, I do know what the score was now to some degree better than I had a handle on it last night. Let's just put it this way, he was in a big hurry to make himself scarce, still that's no excuse, there was always the park and he could have told Steve that he found them and Steve would have gladly held onto them until they could have been placed. Everybody around here knows that.


08-15-02, 07:52 PM
i hope all goes well gl