Solid Snake
11-20-03, 10:52 PM
Now that my onrnate is eating well and i've had him for about a month, he really hasn't settled yet...
I try to handle him but all he does is jump off my hand. Hes only about a foot long, i think hes about 2 months i believe? Hes a bit shy still, when i come and try to feed him, he'll either run away or just sit still, but if i reach for him, he'll run off like hell. One time i was cleaning the tank and opened the lid, he used the log as a booster and as soon as i could blink, he hoped off and out of the tank:rolleyes: smartass mofo lol. he's really quick too!
I was just wondering, do niles take food off your hands or tongs? and is it possible for someone to handle it without it jumping or running away? Or are they like this?
edit - His head is kinda white, or dryer then his body, i mean his body is darker then his head. what is wrong with it?
I try to handle him but all he does is jump off my hand. Hes only about a foot long, i think hes about 2 months i believe? Hes a bit shy still, when i come and try to feed him, he'll either run away or just sit still, but if i reach for him, he'll run off like hell. One time i was cleaning the tank and opened the lid, he used the log as a booster and as soon as i could blink, he hoped off and out of the tank:rolleyes: smartass mofo lol. he's really quick too!
I was just wondering, do niles take food off your hands or tongs? and is it possible for someone to handle it without it jumping or running away? Or are they like this?
edit - His head is kinda white, or dryer then his body, i mean his body is darker then his head. what is wrong with it?