View Full Version : fasting behavoir

11-20-03, 05:43 PM
my snakes are in their fast right now, and i have a few q's for ya.

1 during fasting do your snakes act the same as they usually do, like hiding during the day, and cruising at night?

2 when does the fast end, i know each animal is dif., but on average what do you think.

11-20-03, 06:16 PM
1. Yes, they act the same as they act all year.
2. Mine stop eating around the middle of October, and should resume anywhere between February and April.

Don't sweat it.

11-20-03, 06:46 PM
I have a question, can they all of a sudden just choose to fast for the winter? I've had my spotted for three years, the first two she would eat all through the winter, but this year she has refused 6 meals in a row and I'm guessing she's fasting.


David Kwok
11-20-03, 06:54 PM
Fasting can be corrected by providing your ball python(s) with tight, dark, warm quarters.


11-20-03, 08:26 PM
I have the same problem serpentlust. My male bp started to refuse feedings about the middle of to the end of september. And refuses every time I try.........He has never fasted before. So I figure as long as his weight is fine I'll try him in january or february..............What if he already has a snug, warm, and dark hide? And he still fasts?

11-20-03, 08:54 PM
Fasting snake cruise moreso than usual I find. I've had all lengths of fasting. Shortest fast was 1.5 months and longest was 1 year 6 days. My a$$backwards male just resumed feeding a couple weeks ago....lol :p Very important that they have free access to water during this time since they will not be receiving any hydration from prey.

11-20-03, 11:29 PM
8 of my 20+ balls have tight, dark hides, and 5 of them still refuse to eat. In my experiences, hide or no hide, they wanna fast, they're gonna fast.

11-21-03, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by mykee
In my experiences, hide or no hide, they wanna fast, they're gonna fast.

Agreed! :D

11-21-03, 01:38 AM
Mykee, I think Dave meant tight, dark enclosures... :)

11-21-03, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by cranwill
Mykee, I think Dave meant tight, dark enclosures... :)

IMHO regardless of how they are kept, if a ball is going to fast there isn't much you can do to change that. If the snake is refusing food (different then fasting), then that is where a difference in enclosure type or hides may make a difference :)

11-21-03, 09:11 PM
Ya, I've noticed that my male is crusing like crazy and absolutely destroying his cage! lol. But he still won't eat. He sticks his head out when he smells the mice go past his cage for my corn and othe ball (she is fat *not a bad fat*, so no worries about her not getting enough from a mouse) but even when I try to put a mouse in there he just hits reverse, even a rat, tried all diff. sizes.....then at night he goes out and cruises..........