View Full Version : Symptoms of being eggbound in Iguana's????

11-20-03, 05:41 PM
Hey Folks....Larry still hasn't laid :(

Is there symptoms of being eggbound?
I got a pic of her belly and you can clearly see the eggs.

I know it's not the best for her, but I've been giving her little pieces of bread soaked with liquid calcium(found out the dosage). She will eat those voluntarily. I'm trying to keep her as stressfree as possible.

She is very hostile towards me, getting b!!!!ier as the days go by. Open mouth threats and hissing. I dawned hubby's snowmobile gloves and grabbed her today for a bath. She didn't bite me or anything, and I cuddled her while she was wrapped in her towel.

Is the increased moodiness showing me she's almost there (time to lay)?

How do I know when too much time has gone by, and that she cannot pass the eggs?

Thanks alot.

11-20-03, 05:49 PM
As long as she's not showing signs of distress, try not to worry. Lethargy, poor color, straining as though she's constipated, and glassy eyes are the usual signs. If she's moving around, she's probably not eggbound.

It depends on the hormone levels as to whether they get moodier or more laid-back, even with the same female it can vary from one gravid period to the next.

Normal gestation period is 8 weeks with the egg bulges visible about halfway through so if it's less than a month since she got all big and eggy she's fine.

Right before she's ready to lay some of the egg bulges in her sides should become less visible as the eggs drop lower in the oviduct and stop swelling out her sides. It can still take 3-5 days after the eggs drop down lower in the pelvis.

11-20-03, 06:20 PM

She is still moving around n' such......just not eating, and not poo'n much. Poor girl....me thinks this is harder on me than on her.

11-20-03, 06:29 PM
Roxy lays eggs each year and each year its a terrible time of worrying for me. She paces around and digs constantly, doesn't eat and hardly ever goes to the bathroom. Roxy lays between 50-70 eggs usually.

Roxy gets extremely lovey dovey when she is gravid....I mean to the point all she wants is to be carried around like a human baby. It is definitly hard to carry around and confort a huge 5 foot animal though! lol.

Just make sure you have a very suitable nesting spot available. Roxy always gets a choice but prefers to lay them on her basking shelf while basking almost as if nothing is happening! lol. But she digs and digs no matter what. I have offered soil, sand soil mix, tiny box, huge box, kitty pan, all kinds of things but she always lays on the shelf normally. But its important to offer the option.

Another thing that is trademark for Roxy is she literally ALWAYS takes a long long drink from a bowl after laying. She never ever drinks standing water other times during the year but greedily drinks when I offer the bowl after she has laid. So make sure hydration is watched!

Good luck!