View Full Version : Prices too high??

11-18-03, 07:43 PM
Just wondering if a nosy be panther cham at 175 is a good price or not.

11-18-03, 08:36 PM
That's average. A great price would be 150$, a high price would be 250-300$. In the states you would be paying 250-400$ per Nosy Be. I'm buying a Diego Suarez next year for 175$.

It also depends on the colour quality of the cham. Darker ones tend to go for more I think. The powder/electric blue ones tend to be a bit less. But in Canada they are both the same price.


11-18-03, 08:38 PM
Hey Brock

Ive decided to wait for DNAs Diegos... Taking a cham back from toronto from connie is hope less....Damn Air canada.... DNA's Diegos are only 175? sweet...

11-18-03, 09:25 PM
Could you use U.P.S.They have next day express,guaranted by 8am.Scales and kammaflag in the states ships live reptiles all over the states,not to canada.but if it works over there why not here.has any one ever looked into that,let us know.

11-18-03, 09:48 PM
hmmm it also depends on the size of your cham, how old is this panter your planning to get??? if its a baby you can get it around $150, and the cheapest would be $100, thats if your lucky. But for adults they seem to cost more, once there colours appear, i got my 2 year old nosy b for $200, i thought it was a lot but thats in my opinion, what do you think, a 2 year old chameleon for $200CDN??? looking for opinions


11-18-03, 10:12 PM
Sub adult to Adult Nosey Be's go for around 200-250 here in saskatoon saskatchewan (thats in Canada for you Americans,lol)

11-18-03, 10:42 PM
Id say that price seems to be right. personally even though id love chams to be cheaper there is a very good reasion they are not. they take alot of care and it stops people form going out and making spontanious buys. humm the cheapest cham i have got was 175$ each and that was because i bought a pair (ambanja blue's)and they lowered the price. So I would say that is reasionable.

11-18-03, 11:12 PM
I THINK they are 175$ Geoff. This was when I talked to her last year, she gave an estimate not an actual price since she didn't know how many would hatch (and we know what heppened to that one batch of eggs).
