View Full Version : red tegus

08-14-02, 12:22 PM
:o anyone here keep red tegus or any tegus for that matter
I would like more info on the please and thank youo>
any thing caging,feeding,breeding,sexing,ect....:rolleyes:
:w thanks lance:w

08-14-02, 05:18 PM
Don't keep them myself, but I do work with them. Here's what I can tell ya:
- can somewhat agressive if not handled, but can be tamed down pretty easily
- feeds on insects, mice and a large portion of their diet is made up of fruit
- adults should be kept in a 6' enclosure with plenty of branches to climb on, they are pretty good at climbing, but not so graceful at coming down...lol
- do good on a substrate like cypress mulch that retains moisture
- need a hot basking temp (110+ degrees) and ambient temps of around 82 or so
- babies need to be probed to determine sex, in adults, the males are more colourful and have large jowls

Hope this helped a little :)

08-15-02, 08:20 AM
thanks linds your my hero