Double J
11-17-03, 12:25 AM
Well, hello
Since I am new to, I think an introduction would be courteous.
My name is Ryan Ivankovic, though some of you may know me as Double J from the arrowfrog forum on **************. I am an Anthropology student at University of Waterloo in Waterloo Ontario Canada. I am an amphibian addict, and I have been a keeper of these fine animals for five years now, though I have only heavily been in the hobby for a little over a year and a half. My interests mainly lie in Dendrobatids and mantellas, and my love for naturalistic vivaria fits in well with this. I have successfully bred Dendrobates auratus, and I currently have over 100 tads in the water from my Bombina orientalis. My collection is moderately sized (around 50 animals excluding tads), and is focused mainly on amphibians, though I do dabble in a few other herps and inverts.
As a result of this hobby, I have met a number of great people. I have to thank Mark Pepper. He has produced some fabulous frogs, and has been a great friend. I also very fortunate that my parents have been incredibly supportive of this hobby, and have given me two rooms with which I can fill with the amphibians of my choice.
Well, I think that is about it.... if anyone has any questions or comments..feel free to shoot.
Double J
Since I am new to, I think an introduction would be courteous.
My name is Ryan Ivankovic, though some of you may know me as Double J from the arrowfrog forum on **************. I am an Anthropology student at University of Waterloo in Waterloo Ontario Canada. I am an amphibian addict, and I have been a keeper of these fine animals for five years now, though I have only heavily been in the hobby for a little over a year and a half. My interests mainly lie in Dendrobatids and mantellas, and my love for naturalistic vivaria fits in well with this. I have successfully bred Dendrobates auratus, and I currently have over 100 tads in the water from my Bombina orientalis. My collection is moderately sized (around 50 animals excluding tads), and is focused mainly on amphibians, though I do dabble in a few other herps and inverts.
As a result of this hobby, I have met a number of great people. I have to thank Mark Pepper. He has produced some fabulous frogs, and has been a great friend. I also very fortunate that my parents have been incredibly supportive of this hobby, and have given me two rooms with which I can fill with the amphibians of my choice.
Well, I think that is about it.... if anyone has any questions or comments..feel free to shoot.
Double J