View Full Version : perfect shed :) and something else
11-16-03, 11:11 PM
I didnt even know my bp was in shed because i didnt see its eyes go blue but just now i saw him in his dish soaking with his skin hanging everywhere. Waited about 20 minutes and PERFECT shed :) that means the humidity is right :) The other thing i wanted to bring up was the massive crap he took right after. Honestly it looked abnormaly large. Im not gonna post any gross pictures but id say it was around 4 inches long and the bp is only about 1.5 feet or 1.8ish tops. is this normal?
11-17-03, 12:16 AM
Waited about 20 minutes and PERFECT shed that means the humidity is right
No it doesn't. Not at all. I can keep a Ball in an aquarium filled with 4 inches of water and get perfect sheds. YOU think that's the perfect cage? LOL...ok then..... :D
11-17-03, 04:44 PM
what the **** crawled your ***. Sorry for using perfect a little to exact. That doesnt answer my question at all so dont even type one character into the box causs i dont give a crap at all about that post...what did that do for me? dont speak
11-17-03, 04:48 PM
just causs your having a bad day doesnt mean everyone else has to. And all i said was that my humidty is probably could have said no that doesnt mean that, you still have to check it blah blah didnt have to be a jackass about it, ****.
11-17-03, 05:44 PM
Whoa, give Favelle a break lol.
And the massive crap is normal. You should see my kingsnake lol
11-17-03, 05:45 PM
ok i didnt really mean to go crazy i just thought it was a stupid post..
11-17-03, 06:09 PM
yep, normal
if i were you i would watch your post wording, favelle can be a real jerk sometimes
Bartman- I think what Jeff meant to say is that you definately have *enough* humidity, but that you could have too much and still get that perfect shed. Sometimes people should read what they have just typed before they hit post and if it sounds unjustifiably rude to them they should think of a better way to say it. JMHO Oh and I expect that big pile of crap just about every time one of mine sheds :D Must be something about the way they move their muscles so much getting the skin off, just kinda gets everything moving! LOL!
11-17-03, 08:22 PM
lol favelle didn't do anything wrong...once again he stated facts and nothing but facts.if you don't like it deal with it and learn how to accept constructive criticism. it is possible for a snake to have perfect sheds without perfect humidity..and with humidity that is way above normal. but your cage humidity and temps are probably good anyways..just saying it is POSSIBLE :)
11-17-03, 08:33 PM
ok possible whatever..i just dont see why he had to seem like such a jerk bout it. Whatever i dont really care..thanks for the replies ne ways
11-17-03, 09:05 PM
Man, I thought for sure you were going to cry! Too bad.
I'm not quite sure where you thought I was flaming in my post, as I've re-read it a few times now. All I was suggesting was that a shed wasn't the be-all end-all of a perfect cage, so don't use it as a measuring stick of one. If that kind of advice offends you to the point of hysterics and swearing, then fine, no more advice. I'd hate to be a teacher of yours trying to teach you something! Holy!
Imagine what it would have been like if I was REALLY trying to flame you. Crazy. You'd have jumped off a bridge or something! LOL! Not to mention that I even included a smiley in my original post, indicating that I was just fooling around.
11-17-03, 09:15 PM
hey jeff I tried that 4" of water thing with my male JCP and he shed out perfect this morning:) thx for the tip:D
11-17-03, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Imagine what it would have been like if I was REALLY trying to flame you. Crazy. You'd have jumped off a bridge or something! LOL! Not to mention that I even included a smiley in my original post, indicating that I was just fooling around.
HAHAHAH...danm you're funny
11-17-03, 11:49 PM
LOL, Derrick and Clarke! :D
Yeah well skin hanging everywhere and soaking doesn't sound like the perfect shed. He probably didn't have enough humidity thus the soaking took place i would check your humidity. Not that soaking is that bad but it's definitely better to have proper humidity.
11-18-03, 08:07 AM
oh ya i agree with morph. a perfect shed is one that comes off in 1 piece((my opinion anyway. as far as humidity being OK you should know that based on the fact that you have a humidistat in the cage not by how well the snake sheds, which in this case didnt sound to good at all.
you can get a cheap indoor/outdoor thermometer with humidity sensor at places like walmart(25$).
11-18-03, 10:56 AM
it did come off in one piece
11-18-03, 11:58 AM
Once again Jeff's posts have made it a pleasure to visit.
11-18-03, 02:45 PM
I'd hate to be a teacher of yours trying to teach you something! Holy!
Jeff I am a teacher as you know. If was to use a line like thisYOU think that's the perfect cage? LOL...ok then.....
in class I'd expect the same reaction you got and a word from my Principal. It's the "ok then" part that through your post.
Jeff is a smart *** but he knows husbandry, don't take hime seriously or personally sometimes.
11-18-03, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Bartman
it did come off in one piece
ok sorry about that. I've read your post a few times and when you said the skin hanging all over the place I thought you meant pieces of sheds.
you should still get a humidity sensor
11-18-03, 04:08 PM
i have a humidity dial thingy i bought. It says that its at 55ish percent. Ye i guess you would think it dint come off in one piece. My mistake of wording..i just meant it was hanging off him and over the bowl (he was in the bowl)
11-18-03, 06:00 PM
55humidity is fine....60 would be better though, my snake had a perfect shed when he was in its at 60 so ill see if theres any difference
11-18-03, 06:28 PM
should i just spray more or slighlty cover the screen top?
Hey bartman those humidity dials are pieces of crap a digital temp. humidity gauge is way better
Originally posted by Bartman
should i just spray more or slighlty cover the screen top? Cover what you can, keep in mind though, you have to leave a few areas uncovered for air circulation.....;)
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