View Full Version : scared of water

11-16-03, 07:19 PM
does anyone else have a boa that is scared of water mine is i tried to put him in to soak and he doesnt want to go in?

Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 07:20 PM
my two boa's do the same thing....i can get them in the water but as soon as their tails touch they are trying to find dry land. but they do drink the water all the time......and my big boa did crap in his water dish

11-16-03, 07:23 PM
ya mine drinks and everything but he never gets in the bowl my other boa does get in her bowl i think hes just scared of water

11-16-03, 08:12 PM
Is there any reason you are trying to put him in the water?

11-16-03, 08:13 PM
ya my humidity wasnt right and he didnt shed right so i was tring to soak him

11-16-03, 08:19 PM
what kind of cage is it in??

11-16-03, 08:34 PM
I'm not scared of water, but when someone forcefully puts me into it, I spaz too. Doesn't mean I'm scared of water.

11-16-03, 08:37 PM
I especially hate it when the temp is not right.

11-17-03, 12:10 AM
Most snakes get stressed out by baths unless it is their idea. Try putting your snake in a rubbermaid or similar of wet towels instead, may be a bit easier. Get the humidity fixed up so you don't have any more problems in the future.

Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
I'm not scared of water, but when someone forcefully puts me into it, I spaz too.

LOL does this happen often? :p

11-17-03, 02:31 AM
haha jeff, does every post you say have to be a joke? (even thought they're always funny lol) yeah, how about you get youd humidity and temps right so he doesn't have bad sheds, this is something you should have done before you got the snake

11-17-03, 02:36 AM
My BCI's don't swim, but they do put their faces in the water and blow bubbles!

11-17-03, 02:38 AM
haha jeff, does every post you say have to be a joke?

If I didn't make a joke of some of the things that people do to their animals around here, I'd go mental.

11-17-03, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by maiden_canada
this is something you should have done before you got the snake u should say some thing you dont know about i didnt just get himi moved him from a cage i had him in into a new cage and i was using carpet and the cage wasnt holding humidity because there wasnt anything to hold it so i got some coco fiber iv had him for three years so obviously im doing ok oh ya that was funny to you usually make a joke of something someone that is fairly new to this did the people do that to you when u didnt know anything

11-17-03, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by mark129er
what kind of cage is it in??
this is the cage i have him in but the set up is different now i have a dead tree and some vines growing up it with peatmoss and coco fiber on top

11-17-03, 06:04 AM
How is that vertical pole useful to a Boa? I'm just curious so its purely for my own edification.

11-17-03, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by thetupak
this is the cage i have him in but the set up is different now i have a dead tree and some vines growing up it with peatmoss and coco fiber on top
jeff i u would have read this i said i had a dead tree in there now and that pole i was going to add some pieces off of it but i thought it would look better with the tree why u have to be so hipocritical u need to learn to read and spell

11-17-03, 12:44 PM
lol, I read posts just to see what Jeff Favelle is going to say.

PS if Jeff says something I would advise you to listen, sure, he may be a sm@rt@$$ but he knows what he is talking about and he makes his posts fun to read.

11-17-03, 01:51 PM
I am not being "hipocritical". Being hypocritical means that you chastize someone for something, and then go an do it yourself. And believe me, I don't have any vertical poles in my 5-foot high boa cages. Actually, I don't have 5-foot high Boa cages. My boa cages are 18 inches high.

Happy Festivus! :D

11-17-03, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Happy Festivus! :D

Happy Festivus! hahaha

11-17-03, 02:23 PM
What are you doing for the Feats of Strength this Festivus, Favelle? ;)

Solid Snake
11-17-03, 05:41 PM
why do u have a wooden pole standing vertacally...???

snakes can't rest up on that... its useless and it bothers me(for some reason). Why not just cut it and have it hang in the middle <b>horizontally</b>

11-17-03, 07:07 PM
why u have to be so hipocritical u need to learn to read and spell

I need to learn how to spell? Are you joking? What did I spell wrong? Are you a pot calling me black?

YOU need to learn how to spell.

11-17-03, 07:15 PM
Lol Jeff, mabye he figured edification was not spelled right. ;)

Don't worry thetupac, we're just trying to help. I didn't realise either that you meant you took out the pole by saying you changed the cage a bit. Don't have to be defensive.
-Tammy R

11-17-03, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by thetupak
u should say some thing you dont know about i didnt just get himi moved him from a cage i had him in into a new cage and i was using carpet and the cage wasnt holding humidity because there wasnt anything to hold it so i got some coco fiber iv had him for three years so obviously im doing ok oh ya that was funny to you usually make a joke of something someone that is fairly new to this did the people do that to you when u didnt know anything

lol...i don't know what i am talking about? please make sense, you had your cage set up perfect before getting your snake, BUT it has low humidity and has bad sheds? think before you type, is that too difficult for you? also how about you take the advice of others, everyone in this post knows more then you, but you still argue?

11-17-03, 08:36 PM
water dish=soak dish, all my animals (non-desert) have water dishes large enough to soak in on their own.

11-18-03, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
How is that vertical pole useful to a Boa? I'm just curious so its purely for my own edification. .........Exotic dancing.......:D

11-18-03, 03:35 AM
Exotic dancin'??? I'm there! Don't tell my girlfriend!

11-18-03, 09:00 AM
A Festivus for the rest-of-us.........

I'm no expert, but I think if you want keep exotic dancers you need to upgrade to the brass pole or they just won't be happy.......wood, ouch!

521 1N5
11-18-03, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Exotic dancin'??? I'm there! Don't tell my girlfriend!

wow, you have a girlfriend??

kinda hard to believe, the way your posts come off you kinda sound like an ***...

everyone knows you are the big bad Boa man, and your setups are the best...

but frankly I'm not fond of your little sarcastic responses either.

Is it so hard to just answer someone's question with a normal response? Or do you always have to criticize people for not being the snake god you are?

yes I am a newbie, what do I have like 15 posts? But in the short time I've been here I have allready figured out the guy who thinks he is better than everyone else.

11-18-03, 08:21 PM
you just can't handle that favelle is almost always right, every day someone like you bitches to him calling him an *** and every day he prolly just laughs it off. just because he doesn't write 50sentences to explain one thing he does what he does

and for some reason the people who complain about him always know nothing themselves? might just be a coincidence

11-18-03, 09:32 PM
yes I am a newbie, what do I have like 15 posts? But in the short time I've been here I have allready figured out the guy who thinks he is better than everyone else.

I've also got a BIG box of kleenexes handy if you want to come up and grab some? Don't be a whiner. The only thing worse about someone who doesn't contribute to a thread and only flames and makes things personal, is a person who complains about a person who doesn't contribute, only flames, etc etc etc. At least I offered husbandry insight? What did you do? Made a personal attack. If you want a do that, just email, pm, or phone me. No biggy. But if you're going to post, try to contribute at least SOME reptile-related stuff. LOL!

And a BIG Happy Festivus to you too!!! :D

11-18-03, 10:40 PM
or phone me.
Oo can I call you too? lol!

And yeah... it is not impressive to see someone complaining about someone who is always right being a little too curt and sarcastic. You haven't been here long, you don't know the stupid crap some people come up with. If Jeff wrote a long, kind, sympathetic, loving, amicable, sincere, etc response to each one, I daresay he'd be here all day (and probably vomitting).

Jeff makes people feel stupid for doing stupid things... that's the best way to make someone stop doing something wrong!


11-18-03, 10:50 PM
I agree Zoe. :p

And guys, if you've just come from some of the 'other' reptile sites, try and remember that sSnakeSs is better than that, and all the junk you get away with over there won't be tolerated here. Just a friendly reminder! ;)

11-19-03, 02:12 AM
HAHAHA Favelle Rocks.....

11-19-03, 02:36 AM
Apropos of nothing, but what is Happy Festivus??

11-19-03, 02:38 AM
annies mom i beleive it was in a seinfeld episode, george's father made up some holiday called festivus. im not sure of the details

11-19-03, 02:41 AM
I daresay he'd be here all day (and probably vomitting).

Too true Zoe! I think we'd ALL be vomitting!!! LOL!!

Annie's Mum, the whole Festivus thing is from a Seinfeld episode where George's Dad stopped believing in X-mas (because of commercialism) and instead of a tree, he put an aluminum pole in the living room! LOL! And that's what that pole in that dude's cage reminded me of!!

LOL Kendrick!

What are you doing for the Feats of Strength this Festivus, Favelle?

LOL eyespy!! I'm doing my usual 3 push ups and calling it a day!! LOL!!!

11-19-03, 02:42 AM
haha jeff, now i remember the pole, way to remember that haha, i bet only a few people understood

11-19-03, 03:02 AM
Inside jokes are always funnier eh Clarke?

Oh, and while you're here, I have a sweeeeet surprise for you. It involves, my camera, another Jungle, and YOUR choice! Can ya guess? I'll PM you in a bit man! :D

Oo can I call you too? lol!

LOL Zoe! You can call me anytime! ;) :p :medsly:

11-19-03, 11:24 AM
jeff, jcp, pm, NOW :)

11-19-03, 02:13 PM
Damn, have to go out, I got hockey tonight, but I'll email or PM you late tonight (midnight or so.....).


11-19-03, 02:23 PM
>"it is not impressive to see someone complaining about >someone who is always right being a little too curt and >sarcastic"

I hope I qualify in the club, some folks are just too foolish for words I try to be nice but jeez, they realy need a clue

11-19-03, 08:41 PM
I hope I qualify in the club, some folks are just too foolish for words I try to be nice but jeez, they realy need a clue

Qualify? Rev., my man, you are the PREZ!!!! :D

11-20-03, 01:03 PM
Webster's dictionary givess this definition for sarcasm -
a cutting, hostile, or contemptuous remark

I have noticed this sarcasm as well from some here and do not care if I get flamed for saying so. It is ridiculous. All the junk about not being able to answer questions kindly becasue it takes too much time and that sarcasm gets people to listen is garbage. We should all be kind and helpful. Most people asking questions have good intentions and and will listen to educated advice. Some of them are just kids. It is not coincidence that people continually negatively label those that use sarcasm. I would think that those selling boas would have some incentive to be polite and courteous. Some of the people still in flames could have been potential customers and excellent boa keepers if given a little friendly help. Some questions are silly and some people do keep boas in horrible conditions but sarcasm and being hurtful is not helping to alleviate these problems. A willingness to educate in a kind manner will.

11-20-03, 01:40 PM
I couldn't agree more Jared, People talkin trash but barely have a clue themselves. I have kepted snakes for years and still don't know it all, others read a caresheet or two and think they have all the answers, disin people that ask the same question they had a month ago.>( >(

11-20-03, 03:18 PM
others read a caresheet or two and think they have all the answers, disin people that ask the same question they had a month ago.
I DON'T think that Jeff or Rev fall into that category...

Jeff isn't sarcastic with smart questions. He's never been so with me, to my knowledge, and I think because I look up the information I can, first. Now, someone who has a cage like the one pictured obviously has not done enough research beforehand, and IMO deserves to be treated a little curtly.


521 1N5
11-20-03, 04:14 PM
I disagree...forums are here not only for experienced people to discuss there hobby, but also for people who are new to the hobby to ask the dumb questions...

without the dumb questions this site wouldn't be here...I'm sure even the allmighty Jeff had a few dumb questions before he became the reptile message board god he is..

I was just saying the stupid little *sigh* thing and most of the remarks he makes are kinda harsh.

11-20-03, 04:25 PM
Wow people are extremely uptight. I would hate going through life constantly being offended.

Personally not only does Favelle have some of those most informative posts on the forum, he is one of the most entertaining members as well.


11-20-03, 05:08 PM
I'm haven't been offended by anyone on this sight, and I'm not slagging Jeff or Rev or anybody. I 'm just agreeing with Jared about giving proper advise without making them afraid to ask even the dumbest question, sure a little sarcasism never hurt anybody, but to someone who dosen't know what there doing and just trying to get some GOOD advise it can be frustrating.

11-20-03, 05:10 PM
How so? I don't see what he said that was "scary" or "intimidating" you are either doing something wrong or not as good for the snake, or not. It's that simple. If you are on the right track someone says "Wow on the right track" if not, then someone will correct you.

If the real issue is Jeff being "harsh" well we could argue all day because thats a personal perspective.
