View Full Version : Veiled colors??

11-16-03, 06:01 PM
Are all veiled colors just green?? or are they like panther chams and have different colors?? If they are green when younger do they change colors or it that what they stay as??

11-16-03, 06:13 PM
In my opinon i think there just green, well i could be wrong, but there are different speices, veild chamleons are usually yellow green black spots i belive dark/light green. i dont own one but thats what i think


11-16-03, 06:35 PM
there are some variaty in veilds not near as much as panthers but there are sunburst veilds and some are very dark and more army green while some are bright and virbrant of cource when they get excited some times u can get lots of interesting colors aout of them, one of my females has lots of blue strypes and orange spots it would help to see pics of the parents when u get a new addition

11-17-03, 12:01 AM
Do their colors change with age at all?? Like if I bought one that's green as a juvi is it that color the rest of it's life or does it change??

11-17-03, 12:48 AM
Thats right..I just found this out ..They get there adult colours anywhere between 8-10 months old

11-17-03, 01:49 AM
there base color stays green but the older they get there pattern will emerge and it just seems to get mor impressive with age they do not keep that all over green they have as babies here is my baby lol well he is one year old now the patches will go bright yellow when he is pissed or excited and he can go very grumpy like his dad too i was lucky to catch him like that 2 secs after that pic he was all mad and brown lol
hope that helps

this is his mom mrs moo


this is little moo at around one month old i think

and dad Mr moo he tends to be very dark and brown because he is always pissed off lol but ocasionally ill catch him basking with bright yellows and greens. he is sposed to be a Uropean male im not sure how true that is I got him at the rep show about mabey 3 years ago and he was 5 or 6 months when i got him.


hope that helps

11-17-03, 02:52 PM
I can't see the pic collide?? I don't know why I can't see any of your pics at all, kinda odd. Anyway could you try e-mailing them to me at all?? I'd love to see the difference with babies and adults (plus I just loving looking at pics of lizards ;)

11-17-03, 02:56 PM
Rebecca... does this help?


There are plenty more pics in my gallery that shows the different colours of Veiled's.

Have fun!


11-17-03, 02:58 PM
Trace ! this pic is a contest winner ! :)

Put your copyright on it right away ! :)


11-17-03, 03:19 PM
awesome pic, lovable little babies ain't they...gotta love em...

11-17-03, 05:01 PM
Ya that does thanks Trace. Do the colors vary from female to male?? I know size kinda does.

11-17-03, 05:51 PM
yes it does male seem to have more colour then females, cause male use there colours to attract femlaes to mate with them i believe, correct me if im wrong


11-17-03, 07:24 PM
Rebecca: Every chameleon species is different, so I'm going to limit my reply about colours to the Veiled Chameleons. Females tend to be a uniform green colour once they are adults. They have a slight pattern of light browns and oranges. Depending on other factors that I will get into in response to Meow, they will get shades of peacock blue, or dark colours etc but they certainly they aren't as colourful as the males.

Meow: While you are on the right track I am going to correct you. Chameleons colours are determined by many internal and external factors, mating being one of them. Females will signal to the male with her colours if she is ready to mate. She will put on a different suit of colours is she is already gravid. The male will respond to either display with his own. While not always the case, it's usually the female thats doing the attracting or signalling.

The colours they are displaying at any given time depend on a lot of things besides breeding status. I could go on at length and bore everyone to tears, but some include temperature, light intensity, season, mood, health, gestation, danger. It's a subtle form of communication really.


11-17-03, 07:58 PM
Thanks Trace, i learn something new everyday:p


11-18-03, 03:31 PM
Ya no doubt! How did you learn so much about them??

11-18-03, 05:45 PM
lol hoo you asking??? Trace??? well i learn from this site, books and what has happened to me


11-18-03, 06:00 PM
I was asking both of you.

11-18-03, 06:06 PM
O lol sorry about that, well i got this site(ssnakess) from collide, when i joined, i read all cham posts, and slowly learned lots of things, asked questions, that i wanted to know, and then once i had enough info, i got my self a cham and now i sometimes i could help answer some of your questions, and from experenice.


11-18-03, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Rebecca
Ya no doubt! How did you learn so much about them??

Me? Because I'm a nerd.


11-18-03, 07:40 PM
lol Trace!! Join the club!

11-18-03, 11:50 PM
My domain name expired I forgot about it lol oh well i have fixed all my pics ect.

11-19-03, 08:34 AM
i guess im one too, being on these fourms 24/7
