View Full Version : African Mantis Question

11-16-03, 05:51 PM
I just got an African Mantis at the NARBC show on 11-15 in Philadelphia. The one I chose has a small kink in its right back leg. I couldn't really see the kink til I had it out and in its new terrarium. It is not moving to much and doesn't seem to have very much use of this leg, although it does not look like it is sick or anything because when I come in to take a look at it , his/her head and eyes darts around very actively.My question is, will this leg be a life long problem or will it fix itself during the next molt like a T would?Also, Is there any other way to tell if a mantis is about to molt other than the stopping of eating?

11-16-03, 08:59 PM
I can only guess that it would be like a tarantula. Repair after/while next shed. Good luck! Apart from that, if it's eating and alert, don't worry about it.