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11-16-03, 03:17 AM
My blood python has not pooped in a month and a half! He still eats a rat a week though. Temp is 84 during the the day and 78 at night. I soak him in warm for an hour or two every few days and he is misted 2x a day. Please help! Potts:(

killer Cichlidz
11-16-03, 03:12 PM
His temp should be around 87-88 with a warm spot of at leat 89-90 degrees and night temps in the mid 80s. A hide spot with a humidity of 80-100% should be provided on warm and cool side and the humidity throughout the enclouser can be @ 70% provided that the humid hide has good readings.

Blood Pythons do not poo as often as other snakes. They will poo after or before a shed. Has he shed lately?


Grant vg
11-16-03, 11:16 PM
actually potts, your temperatures are perfect, assuming you have a hot spot of around 86-88 degrees.

Also, a month and a 1/2 is not long at all for bloods.
Assuming your humidity is high and theres water to drink, dont worry about constipation.
ive kept many bloods and not once did i ever have a problem with constipation.
they can go for months without defecating.

relax....breath...aaaaummmmmmmmm.....aaaummmmm.... aaaummmmmm :)

11-17-03, 12:37 AM
LOL yeah they sure save that up. I swear sometimes I think an elephant climbed in the cage when I was looking and took a dump :p

11-17-03, 01:29 AM
I wouldn't worry about it. My borneo has gone over two months without going before. Give it some more time and things will move along.

11-17-03, 01:47 AM
Thanks everyone! His eyes are blue so he should shed soon. Right now he is heated by two underground zoo med tank heaters and the whole room is heated with a ceramic heater. I do have a 75 watt infrared bulb as a hot spot as well. He seems to be doing well now, eats 1-2 large rats a week! Kamaula is his name, and he is around 14 months old. Thanks again to all who replied, I feel better now........Potts:}

killer Cichlidz
11-17-03, 07:19 AM
Grant, So should I worry about my temps?? LOL.........I've never had a problem, and mine seems to be very active n happy with his temps.....Should I lower them a little?


Grant vg
11-17-03, 12:45 PM
theres not one right way to keep the temperatures of any snake.
id say theres a right "range" which if your snake is doing fine and healthy , then your probably in that range.

but me personally, i kept my bloods around 80-82 ambient with a slight drop at night, with an 88 hot spot (which rarely got used)
lowered it down to 86 or so and started seeing more thermoregulation.
but that worked for me, dont change your temps if its workin for you, theres ppl who have raised healthy bloods with 95 degree hotspots..

11-20-03, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Linds
LOL yeah they sure save that up. I swear sometimes I think an elephant climbed in the cage when I was looking and took a dump :p

*LMAO* I think elephants are invading our house if that's the case! *LOL* :p