View Full Version : need help

Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 01:29 AM

this is our big boa salizar. we got him as a rescue and don't know how to tell if his growth has been stunted or not. he is about 3'3" and growing like a weed. i figure that if he isn't stunted then he is about 8-10 mos old. but i don't know for sure. if you could help me out on how to tell if his growth may be stunted that would be great.


Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 01:32 AM
sorry everyone the pic wont work. but any help would be great.

Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 01:32 AM
now it decides to work! lol

11-16-03, 01:33 AM
i fixed your pic for you.. When you're looking at your pic in the gallery, right click on it and go to properties.. Then just cut the url from there and paste it into your post with the IMG code..

Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 01:35 AM
great thnx, anything u can tell me about my question tho?

Snakey Acres
11-16-03, 01:44 AM
Is this the snake that we placed with Pat then he gave to you?
If so he should be fine he is still young enough that even though he was small when we got him he should recover just fine.
You going to be at the Reptile club meeting on tues.? you could bring him along and I could look at him.

Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 04:29 AM
I won't be able to attend the meeting and yes, this is the boa that pat had. i will be working on tuesday from 1-9:30 so i don't think i can bring him there even for a quick check. will you be at the vet clinic on monday?

11-16-03, 08:17 AM
Here is an easy method to keep track of growth rate in your Boa (very nice looking) Take length measurements (once a month) and weight measurements also monthly. I would also write down the date of each shed, to see what the shed cycle length currently is. If you keep notes that are dated you will have an accurate information base which will allow you to adjust your Husbandry practices accordingly.


11-16-03, 08:21 AM
don't know how to tell if his growth has been stunted or not. he is about 3'3" and growing like a weed.
If he's growing like a weed he's not stunted. He may be small for his age but once you start feeding him on a regular basis he'll grow to normal size.

11-16-03, 02:16 PM
Awesome boa guys, I agree with boidkeeper.

Sheldon & Tori
11-16-03, 07:58 PM
thnx guys, i had been told that he may be stunted but hopefully he isn't.....hip, the only thing i don't track is weight.....he was shedding like every week and a half for about 4 sheds.....that's how i know he is growing like a weed......that and his weight has increased about 4 times since i got him and he has only grown 4 inches in about 2 or 3 months. he is a big bugger! lol

11-16-03, 08:30 PM
.....hip, the only thing i don't track is weight.....

Most important thing to track when tracking growth. Length means squatt really it's all about weight.

that and his weight has increased about 4 times since i got him
Well make up your mind. lol

11-17-03, 12:17 AM
Even snakes that are stunted to a great degree, will often eventually end up finishing up to their genetically predetermined size with the proper care, it just may take a while longer. However, I wouldn't see any reason to be concerned with stunting with the information you have given.

Sheldon & Tori
11-17-03, 02:11 AM
thnx linds, i'm not to worried about him anymore.....i've got lots of feedback (as you can tell from the other posts) that says he will be fine.......trevor, i don't keep track of his weight because i don't have a scale......i only know he is 2lbs because i took him into my work with me one day (on my day off) and weighed him on the scale at work......as far as him being about 4 times the weight he was when i got him.......i'm just basing that on how much his girth has increased.