View Full Version : savahnaa monitor question

11-15-03, 06:04 PM
my freind has this really really freindly monitor and its only bit twice and it was only when food was involved but just yesterday it bit onto my shirt out of no where while it was chilling on my lap...it was a golden shirt made of garodean...its kinda sparkly....would the sparkles be enough to set trigger a bite?!? its never done it to anything else....

11-16-03, 08:16 AM
All I can say is its still a wild animal .. no matter how "tame" it is, it should never be trusted..

I see no relationship to the bite and spakle although I guess it could be possible.

11-16-03, 09:18 AM
maybe a sparkle caught its eye?

11-16-03, 06:26 PM
I don't know about that...possible I guess,nothing on the savanna prey item list that sparkles or gleams as far as I know though.
Monitors,I've noticed are often unpredictable...even ones you think you know. One thing I have noticed is that they often become more or less attached to one person and are a bit edgier around other people.
My water monitor can be a bit snappy with me but she really gets distressed if my wife comes near her.