View Full Version : Help with pics!!

11-15-03, 04:17 PM
I need some help on how to put pics up in the classifieds section. Everytime I try to place one it says the file size is too big. How can I reduce the file size so as to make my pics fit? Thanks for any info.


11-15-03, 04:18 PM
crop the picture in photoshop or another photo editor

11-15-03, 04:25 PM
By crop do you mean reduce it's dimensions? I tried that and it did not affect the file size by any significant amount. The pic was so small by the time it fit the byte restrictions you could barely see it. I have seen pics posted in the classifieds ten times that size.

11-15-03, 04:34 PM
is the file a .bmp file?

11-15-03, 04:37 PM
It is a JPEG file.

11-15-03, 04:38 PM
how to convert .bmp to.jpg(at least 10x smaller)

ok here's the low down. I'm presume you have a program called paint, every windows computer comes with it, open it up. Then go File->open and select your picture, where ever you have it saved. The go to file->save as... at the bottom of the save as window it says "save as type" it will say Bitmap. Click on that box and select JPEG. Then save, easy as pie

If you have a really large image you can also resize it in paint. Select image->strech/skew then just enter a % in the horizontal and vertical spot, make sure its the same % other wise you could end up looking 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide

11-15-03, 04:39 PM
are you trying to attach it?

11-15-03, 04:50 PM
if you are trying to attach it dont upload it to your gallery then link to it I send this to anyone i see with problems posting pictures

there are a few ways you can do this. I would recomend though that you resize the picture to no more than 640x480 just for easy of viewing and bandwith ussage

1) you can click on the button labled IMG. a little box pops up. in that box you enter the url of your picture www.blah blah blah/yada.jpg
2) you can enter the tags manually in your post (IMG) url (/IMG) but use [ instead of (

hope this helps

11-15-03, 04:54 PM
Upload the picture to your gallery and link it from there... You cant attach images only link them... The attachment thing is limited to like 20k :P There is a thread in the HOW TO forum on how to do it Kim! ;)

11-15-03, 04:57 PM
you can also reduce the quality of the photo but that affects how good the pic looks as well. lower quality = smaller file size.

11-15-03, 05:02 PM
All right thanks everyone I have it now!!! What is the best program for sharpening the quality of the pics??

11-15-03, 09:28 PM
i like using paint shop pro, with 15% compression.