View Full Version : What got you into lizards?

11-12-03, 12:53 AM
After seeing a friends beardie, I fell in love and had to have one.
From there it escalated :)

Skink Keeper
11-12-03, 01:03 AM
i always liked reptiles, but i think it was when i worked in a pet store, i didn't work with the reptiles, but i used to go over on lunches and look at them and read about them, then a leopard was given to me and it started from there.

11-12-03, 02:48 PM
I seen my friend leopard geckos 1.1 pair. I fell in love instantly and within i say a few weeks i had my first pair then a few months gone by i had around 6. Than we had to go to an expo and i fell in love with some baby beardies and brought 2 of them home with me. Now 3 years later and i have quite abit for the space i have. My only hold back from getting more herps is space!!! I don't even think i could fit one more herp where i'm living. I had to get rid of some stuff to be able to take on the chameleon i have now.

When i finally do move out i already have my eye set on some more beardies, some uro's, some more chameleons, gargoyle geckos, cresties, and maybe some barking geckos, deffinatly more Taratulas(one is nowhere near enough)!!!! I would also love to have somemore corns, brbs, and i absoultly love ETBs!!!!

11-14-03, 10:45 PM
my friend adam aka Mr. Gray on this forum showed me his golden and i couldnt keep my mind off geckos. thank you :D

11-14-03, 10:49 PM
My boyfriend is the one who got me into snakes and reptiles... before a snake or a lizard was just another animal to me but thanks to him i see them totaly differently now and have started my own collection hehe

11-14-03, 11:20 PM
I went out to one of my moms friends house and he has alot of reptiles. And since then ive got a crested and a corn. Hopefully more soon.

11-14-03, 11:22 PM
Watching a cham eat its prey but then i switched to cresties some how.


11-16-03, 08:28 PM
When i was a little girl about 7 or so i was given some anoles as a birthday gift, my poor mother was assured that they would probably only last 6-months to a year. But in time we had babies and that kick started my passion i got from my grand father, we would go snake and salamander hunting out at the lake i was taught how to properly handle at a young age and we always enjoyed seeing what species were hanging around the barns. I was always taught from the day i was born that reptiles are an important part of our world. Thanks to a very special man my poppa (grandpa Bill) I really miss him being gone but am passing on all the wonderful knowledge he gave to me, to my own kids now I am greatfull that at least my kids got to spend a few yrs herping with him.The gift he gave me i now share with others as much as i can.

Laura-Lee&Kiddies(Aisley-May, Hayden)

11-16-03, 08:59 PM
I'd say it was when my dad's friend needed us to take care of his iguana for a week while he was on vacation. I was only about 8 when it happened, but i've been hooked ever since!

11-17-03, 07:26 PM
when i was littler i lived in ontario and welived in the bush lol. so there was lots of frogs, turles, snakes and salamanders around so we spent alot of time looking for them and taking care of them :)

11-17-03, 08:06 PM
When I was 6 my best friend bought me an anole for my birthday. Then over the next year I mixed in a house gecko, a long tailed grass lizard and another species of anole, that lasted about until I was 8 or 9. Then I got lazy and forgot to give them water and they all died (what a *******). Then later on when I was 14 I saw my first real-life chameleon, a veiled, when I was in a store down in Vancouver. I came back home and looked all over the internet for information on them and I wound up staying up til 5 every morning reading about them for about 2 months. Then I eventually got one and it progressed from there and now 3 years later (17) I have all the cool things on my signature and am on waiting lists for more WOOHOO.
