View Full Version : r they mating??

11-11-03, 07:35 PM
my boas r doing the most strainge thing lol....he on top of her and it looks like they r holding tails, but their not moving or n e thing....does this mean they r mating?...and if so what r the chances of conception.

also if she does not catch...will he keep going back until she does lol...thanx ppl

11-12-03, 12:03 AM
I'm not a breeding expert but post a pic and we'll go from there.

11-12-03, 03:31 AM
yes they are mating! Yes he will go back and catch her. i have watched mine mate before and the male spent alot of time positioning himself, mating somtimes takes long.
the best way to be succsessful with the mating is to make sure they do it often and not just once, seperate them feed them and put them back together the next day, mist the cage a bit and that helps her sent flow and he will get nasty on her white *** later dogg

11-12-03, 03:54 PM
Hey Congrats !! Mine have been "doing it " for a couple of months now........ watch for babies in April. My Boas have delivered the babies in the first week of April three times now............ we'll see what this coming April brings ! Cheers ! Les