View Full Version : Monitor's sexing

11-11-03, 07:33 AM
How can sex the monitors for the breeding?

11-11-03, 12:31 PM
Get someone with a lot of experience to teach you first hand. That's the best way to learn.

11-11-03, 06:20 PM
This is always difficult, unless it drops eggs. There are subtle and not so subtle morphology to let you know which sex it is - it depends of which species (some have caudal spurs, others not), aquatic or terrestrial (some have pre-anal pores, others not), and so on.....it is a not a black/white simple answer....one thing is sure: Varanids have immediate recognition of male vrs female on sight, first seconds of encounter they know - how many people can you say that about? Some people are damn androgenous, and then there is that manson-man/girl/thing, who I think lives next door to the other thing, michael jackson....maybe it is a 'singer'-thing??

11-12-03, 02:30 AM
You are interested in or several then you will learn the differences. Thats the best way to learn, because there can be tiny differences between them. Females lay eggs, thats the sure fire way with most species. Thats how I learned, seeing a few of each and comparing.