View Full Version : Feeding Question?

11-10-03, 06:17 PM
Here is a question for you, which do you think is the best to feed your snakes.


Type of rodent?

A) Frozen
B) Alive
C) Freshly killed

How do you feed them(with tongs)?

A) Howing the rodent by the tail
B) By the body
C) Just throughing it in there

I use A,A,A

How about you?

11-10-03, 06:28 PM
Depends on the snake I suppose. Boas get F/T or fresh killed rats, colubrids get pre-killed or stunned mice (some feed on pinks) and my crotes get live mice. My garters are on a diet of fish, and occasional pinks and frogs. Everything is just thrown into cages, or removed into seperate feeding boxes, for the ones with aspen substrate.

11-19-03, 10:28 AM
a c c

11-19-03, 11:23 AM
I feed my boa either F/T or PK rats by hand (I hold the tail). I know it is an accident waiting to happen.

11-19-03, 11:49 AM
Most of my snake i use AAA. I would like to see one of those mamster's you mention,(what's that a monster hamster).LOL:D