View Full Version : new to the ball python

11-10-03, 09:38 AM
im new to the whole snake thing but doin good....
i got a ball python at reptile expo bout 2 weeks ago, she is thick and healthy, she didnt eat when i tried to feed her but maybe she wasntt use to her envirnoment, i'll try tomorrow and she...

anybody has advice on feeding a BP, let me know.... cuz i heard they are picky eatters...

i have her in a 10g. and i mist like 3-4 times a day..... so it stays at 80% humid.....

pics coming soon....

11-10-03, 11:59 AM
a bit lower humidity wouldn't hurt anything. they are from africa so their humidty needs are not as great as some other species.

11-10-03, 12:27 PM
You also want to offer the snake food that is at a warm temperature, ie body temp. That is why I soak mine in warm water. The ball pythn is looking for 3 things when it eats; scent, heat and movement. Probably any two of those things will trigger a feeding response.... in a bp that is eating.

Big Mike
11-10-03, 01:23 PM
Tell us more about your set up. What is the temperature on the floor at the both ends of the tank? What are you using for substrate?

When trying to feed a new BP...it's important to make sure that your husbandry is correct.

Welcome to the site :cool:

11-10-03, 10:53 PM
i posted my pics of her on my galley if u wanna see them....

enjoy !

11-12-03, 08:12 PM
set up looks good,but one thing, if i were you i would step it up to a 20 gallon. a 20 g will last you a while, at least till she hits 3.5 feet, other than that everything looks cool, especially your snake.

bps stress easily so give her a good week and a hlf to settle down, this means NO HANDLING. this is the hardest part about bringing home a new snake. just give her a while to acclimate and shell start to eat......if she is healthy, and not in her winter fast. good luck.

11-12-03, 09:16 PM
humidity sounds a little high...
and for the food... you have to do the "give and look what happens" method..
Ive known some ball that doesnt eat dark colored rats... (weird)
but anyway, good luck,

BTW Ive moved your thread to the Ball's forum :)

11-12-03, 09:52 PM
No need to mist 4 times a day, try to get and maintain the humidity at 60%. Good luck.

11-12-03, 10:16 PM
Keep the enclosure in a low traffic area, and HANDS OFF until she eats a couple times on her own.

11-12-03, 11:36 PM
You can check out my Caresheet (http://randy.ball-pythons.net/caresheet.html) and my FAQ (http://randy.ball-pythons.net/faqs.html) pages for more detailed information about keeping your new BP. I agree that the humidity is too high. Around 50% is fine. Probably shouldn't handle her until she is eating regularly for you, as well.

11-12-03, 11:37 PM
Try putting the water in the middle, and another hide in there, so she don't have to chose between feeling secure and being to hot/cold, Do you have a UTH or just a lamp? If you have both try putting the lamp over the UTH so he/she can have a basking area, if it is just a lamp try getting a UTH belly heat is better for them, and if it is not getting the heat up where it should be use the lamp to. Is that a humidity gauge or a thermometer? Try getting a digi theremom. that has an outdoor probe. They are awesome!
Other than that, the decoration, and set up is really nice! Beautiful bp by the way! Try feeding F/T.

and my 3.5 male is in a 40 gal breeder tank, and once we get the custom done he will be in a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft cage...

11-13-03, 07:07 AM
I totally agree wtih Sapphire on the Thermometers, those little plastic ones are "the crap". And you'll probably be surprised as how cheap you can get the cheaper Digital ones for... I got mine for 8ish canadian but it only displays one at a time but in both F and C... I bought a more expensive one from "As seen on TV Stores for about $16 Canadian and it displays both temps at once and even keeps track of daily high and lows. Pretty handy. I would like to find one with a Humidity gauge on it but the only one's i've seen when I went looking were the right price $10 but also had a thermometer and were very large and ugly. The search continues.

Nice enclosure BTW! I like the Log. Shiva's is sort of sucky at the moment because I have her on newspaper for a while till I decide what to do with the tank she's in... she doesn't need more room, but the tank has seen better days and i'm thinking of doing a proper display encloser for her since she's my little girl :) But who knows....

11-13-03, 10:38 AM
thanks for responding !
she is sexy, by the way........... but umm i tried feeding her yesterday with a baby dwarf hamster but she didnt attack or nothing jus moved away ! she went in her hide spot n dats it so i gave da hamster to my girl......... besides dat she is still good !
oh ! go check my gallery, she rolled a blunt up while i was sleepin check it out ! lol

do any one know when a snake will shed b4 the eyes change colors or when its hungry stuff like dat.... jus inform me on some snake info...... thanks.......

check my gallery !

11-14-03, 01:03 PM
ok im not rich like the rest of ya'll but i cut a cereal box up into another hide box on da cooler side, i took a pic let me know if dats good ? i placed da water bowl in there too..... check my gallery... let me know wat u think..............

she took a **** da other day, but didnt eat wat does that mean ? will she be getting hungry since she use da bathroom ?

well jus write back....

11-14-03, 01:17 PM
I used cardboard boxes for a while. The only problem with using cardboard is that every time it gets soiled you have to get another one. Another cheap alternative is using a flower pot! If you're going to use a pot I'd suggest propping something up on the opening so the space feels more secure for your snake.