View Full Version : money

11-09-03, 06:27 PM
about how much a week or month do u spend on your cresteds? i'm thinking of getting just one.. how much would that take outa my pocket? USD

11-09-03, 08:40 PM
It depends on what you feed them really. If you feed crix, it will cost you more a week than CGD. The only problem is that some cresties wont eat it.


11-09-03, 09:01 PM
i have 3, one adult and 2 youth, and i spend about $4 per week on crickets, but i also give some baby food fruits every night, some nights i mix the CGD in with it. i would say less than $5 a week. but i am going to start raising my own crickets to save some money, as they cost 10 cents each at the pet stores.

11-09-03, 09:41 PM
Well I have mine on vit/cal enriched fruit baby food and mealworms ... the baby food costs me about $1.00 to feed all my fruit eaters for a week (1.3 crested group, 1.1 giant day, 1.0 r. leachianus)... then I buy mealworms in bulk ..so on average per week its costs me $1.60 in mealworms ...so $2.60 a week ... not bad at all ... but I would pay the same roughly if I had 1 crested or 4 cause baby food is only good for 3 days after being opened, thus with one, its kinda wasted

11-10-03, 04:41 PM
so providing for one crestie wont be a problem at all. which is good cause i just made a deal w/ a private breeder 75$ including shipping. few week old brown dalmation. i'm excited. i guess i'll be participating in this forum a lot more from now on

11-10-03, 08:07 PM
Congrats, Welcome!