View Full Version : Cooling question

11-08-03, 07:05 PM
How long should boas be cooled?

11-08-03, 10:40 PM
3 to 6 weeks, I personally goes with 6 weeks

12-04-03, 03:08 PM
they shouldn't....one of best books on the matter is Boa Constrictor Manual" by Philippe De Vosjoli ..its at every store (well almost) it has great section by Jeff Ronne (Boaphile.)
I believe this two be the best (simplest and informed) book on the matter..........he advises that those who due cool their boas succeed inspite of the cooling process not because.......he advise that it is not nessary. and it has worked for me.

12-04-03, 03:16 PM
Jeff Ronne keeps his ambiant at 82 365 days a year. However, let's not forget that the boa he is talking about is the Colombian. He says that Colombians that breed when cooled breed inspite of the cooling not because. Other boas such as BCC may infact need to be cooled. I've heard Surinames for example must be cooled. As for Peruvians well who knows, even Ronne in his Boa Breeding video says he hasn't figured out the secrect to them yet.