View Full Version : Disease question??!?!

11-07-03, 01:46 AM
Anyone ever heard of the disease called thin tail? or somthing like that?? besically i heard that its a loss of apitite and they lose the weight in there tails....oh yeah this is for leapard geckos...theres somthing else that supposidly happens to...i just wanna know if its real and if anyone has ever heard of it and what all happens and how do they get it?!?!

11-07-03, 02:19 AM
the reason why they stop eating is either for temp problems or parasites.
A leopard gecko will not stop eating and the tail will not rot away by itself.

11-07-03, 02:30 AM
yeah its not happening to mine or anything but a breader heard about it and told my freind and then told me...im sure it an already warped story

Skink Keeper
11-07-03, 02:43 AM
I've never heard of a disease like that, like Siretsap said it most likely the conditions it is kept or parasites.

11-07-03, 02:47 AM
It's not a disease, it's a description of the effects of any wasting disease such as parasites, viral or bacterial infections of the digestive tract, chronic impaction, malabsorption syndrome or fatty liver disease. It's just vet slang.

11-07-03, 04:15 AM
yep everyone else is right,while a thin tail is a description of an underlying problem,it is not a disease itself,usually,when this happens it's something along the lines of worms(in most cases) or some other parasitic disease,which are fully treatable if caught on-time,but unfortunately if you've ever heard of crypto it is very very bad,and every breeder's worst fear,but if proper quaritine precautions are taken,then it wouldn't be much of a problem,crypto will kill a leo in most cases,and there is no treatment,worse of all is it is VERY contageous...scary thought